From hd 5770 to gtx 560ti for battlefield 3, big improvments?


Nov 6, 2011
Hi, im thinking of upgrading my gpu, currently having a hd 5770 im doing fine on battlefield 3 with around 50 fps with lower settings.. But i would like to experience thé game with higher graphics and better performence. Will a new card like 560ti do that on my PC? And will it be a good improvment?

My PC:
CPU : i5-650 3.2
RAM: 12 gig
PCU: cooler master GX 550w
Monitor: 1680x1050 res

Thanks for the help :)
Its thé full price but it comes with bf 3, so its abit cheaper i guess :) will it be a big improvment for me? And will my PSU handle it?
A 560ti is a considerable leap from the hd5770. If you were playing at 1080p or higher I wouldn't recommend it. But at 1680*1050, it will probably be just enough to play the game at full settings.
Also keep in mind that the 560ti consumes about 170watts max. It will certainly stress your psu.
A 560ti it is then :) thank you all for the help :) and i guess 570 is out of the question, due to higher PSU requirements? And maybe bottleneck? 😛
You'll be able to nearly max the game out at 1680x1050 with a gtx 560ti. I'm using an overclocked 5870 and I'm getting very good frame rates all on ultra, 2xmsaa, med post aa, 16xaf,and hbao on. A stock 560ti should be about as fast as my 5870 ay 980mhz.
The factory OC'd 560 Ti's are at 900Mhz and the same price as the reference card. I'd suggest grabbing one as it cost you nuttin and, despite THG's somewhat suspect heirarchy chart, gets better fps than the 6950 ..... in fact, in SLI, the 900Mhz 560's beat CF'd 6970's

Guru3D uses the following games in their test suite, COD-MW, Bad Company 2, Dirt 2, Far Cry 2, Metro 2033, Dawn of Discovery, Crysis Warhead. Total fps (summing fps in each game @ 1920 x 1200) for the various options in parenthesis (single card / SL or CF) are tabulated below along with their cost in dollars per frame single card - CF or SLI:

$ 220.00 6950 (479/751) $ 0.46 - $ 0.59
$ 240.00 6950 Frozr OC (484/759) $ 0.50 - $ 0.63
$$ 320.00 6970 (526/825) $ 0.61 - $ 0.78
$ 215.00 560 Ti - 900 Mhz (495/862) $ 0.43 - $ 0.50
$ 340.00 570 (524/873) $ 0.65 - $ 0.78