[SOLVED] Front case fans not spinning

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Nov 13, 2018
I have a thermaltake v200 case.
https://m.newegg.com/products/N82E16811133390?ignorebbr=true&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-Mobile&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-Mobile-_-pla-_-Cases+%28Computer+Cases+-+ATX+Form%29-_-N82E16811133390&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=CjwKCAiAiarfBRASEiwAw1tYv2Q53cvlmIeyTOt8EBNLjKYonM8mx8uHoLm1vm6JlYChU9a-CbggUxoCQ7EQAvD_BwE. I just build a pc yesterday, my very first and everything went well except for the pre installed case fans not spinning, i plugged the back fan into the motherboard and it is now spinning but the front 3 only seem to fit in the spot they were already in when i got the case and i have no clue on how to get them to spin, if someone has any idea id love some advice please.
Ok, so I figured it out: there is a cable included with the case called SATA POWER (AONE). The instruction booklet never bothers to tell you this, nor does it even reference it. Anyway, this cable is plugged into the PSU SATA connector that comes with your power supply. All 4 fans should be connected to that one cable, at least mine were. :)

Im guessing pin, theres thia little board like thing on the top left of the back of the case, ill post a pic once im done doing something, and all the fans are connected to it, i took the back fan plug out and put it in motherboard and it started working i tried with the others but they didnt seem to fit.

That's the fan controller, try to power the fan controller via the power supply or motherboard whichever connection it supports.

I may just be really stupid here but i dont see a cord to plug it into either of them, everything plugged into the fan controller goes to the cases front fans, sorry for being a massive idiot im new to this.

Okay, then post some pictures of it so that we can better understand it.
I am having the same problem, except I can't see how to even connect the case fans. The only fan I can get spinning is the CPU. 🙁


The picture above is the controller. I don't have the cord for that 12v rgb out. I checked the case cords and the motherboard cords. Obviously this is needed to power the fans. Can anyone shed some light on this? I'm half tempted to just put in 5 regular fans.
Ok, so I figured it out: there is a cable included with the case called SATA POWER (AONE). The instruction booklet never bothers to tell you this, nor does it even reference it. Anyway, this cable is plugged into the PSU SATA connector that comes with your power supply. All 4 fans should be connected to that one cable, at least mine were. :)

Glad you were able to overcome this problem!
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