Fry's Electronics


Jun 14, 2001
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I went on an interview at Fry's Electronics today.

I'm in DFW with no work prospects, a ton of apps and resumes spread
about and Fry's was the first to arrange an interview.

At the end of the interview, the service manager asks: "So, do you
have any questions?"

Yeah, I do. I don't mean to break interview protocol, but I'm in kind
of unique circumstances. I'm displaced and in limbo. I don't want to
return to Louisiana. So I have to know strait up front, what does this
position pay.

I don't think he was prepared for the forwardness of the question, but
he plainly laid out their compensation scheme. A flat rate of $6.50
per hour, topped off by commission.

How does a repair tech earn commission, I asked. The department splits
a shared earning based on the take for that week. Which might be as
much as the base pay.

So, I MIGHT get paid up to $13 an hour on a good week. And as little
as $260 on a slow or poorly performing week. And that's $260 before

I have to pass, thanks. That won't even cover basic expenses.


--==<S m e g h e a d>==--


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Smeghead wrote:
> I went on an interview at Fry's Electronics today.
> I'm in DFW with no work prospects, a ton of apps and resumes spread
> about and Fry's was the first to arrange an interview.

That would be Dallas Fort Worth? Not sure, but I recall you being in
Texas. I have no clue what that is; a neighbourhood in Dallas or something?

If I'm correct, I have no clue where I picked that acronym up.

> At the end of the interview, the service manager asks: "So, do you
> have any questions?"
> Yeah, I do. I don't mean to break interview protocol, but I'm in kind
> of unique circumstances. I'm displaced and in limbo. I don't want to
> return to Louisiana. So I have to know strait up front, what does this
> position pay.
> I don't think he was prepared for the forwardness of the question, but
> he plainly laid out their compensation scheme. A flat rate of $6.50
> per hour, topped off by commission.

That's breaking interview protocol? I work to get paid, I want to know
how much a job pays. It's one of the reasons for considering or
rejecting a job.

$6.50 an hour?! Before taxes? I made that much picking tomatoes once,
when I was 15 or 16 (no taxes at all, of course. Otherwise known as
being paid 'black')

> How does a repair tech earn commission, I asked. The department splits
> a shared earning based on the take for that week. Which might be as
> much as the base pay.
> So, I MIGHT get paid up to $13 an hour on a good week. And as little
> as $260 on a slow or poorly performing week. And that's $260 before
> taxes.
> I have to pass, thanks. That won't even cover basic expenses.

Well it might, if you were living in your parents' basement. Which is
probably looking attractive right now. :p


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Frank van Schie <> wrote in

> That would be Dallas Fort Worth? Not sure, but I recall you being in
> Texas. I have no clue what that is; a neighbourhood in Dallas or
> something?

IIRC, twin cities, Dallas and Forth Worth, that are welded at the hip. Like
Budapest, the cities of Buda and Pest. (Googling turns up a 3rd city,


Jun 14, 2001
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On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:30:28 +0200, Frank van Schie
<> wrote:

>Smeghead wrote:
>> I went on an interview at Fry's Electronics today.
>> I'm in DFW with no work prospects, a ton of apps and resumes spread
>> about and Fry's was the first to arrange an interview.
>That would be Dallas Fort Worth? Not sure, but I recall you being in
>Texas. I have no clue what that is; a neighbourhood in Dallas or something?
>If I'm correct, I have no clue where I picked that acronym up.

Correct! Dallas / Fort Worth... They form two satellite major
metropolis areas with many smaller municipalities between the two
called the "Metroplex".
>> At the end of the interview, the service manager asks: "So, do you
>> have any questions?"
>> Yeah, I do. I don't mean to break interview protocol, but I'm in kind
>> of unique circumstances. I'm displaced and in limbo. I don't want to
>> return to Louisiana. So I have to know strait up front, what does this
>> position pay.
>> I don't think he was prepared for the forwardness of the question, but
>> he plainly laid out their compensation scheme. A flat rate of $6.50
>> per hour, topped off by commission.
>That's breaking interview protocol? I work to get paid, I want to know
>how much a job pays. It's one of the reasons for considering or
>rejecting a job.
>$6.50 an hour?! Before taxes? I made that much picking tomatoes once,
>when I was 15 or 16 (no taxes at all, of course. Otherwise known as
>being paid 'black')

You're not supposed to discuss compensation until you've been
officially offered the position, generally.

>> How does a repair tech earn commission, I asked. The department splits
>> a shared earning based on the take for that week. Which might be as
>> much as the base pay.
>> So, I MIGHT get paid up to $13 an hour on a good week. And as little
>> as $260 on a slow or poorly performing week. And that's $260 before
>> taxes.
>> I have to pass, thanks. That won't even cover basic expenses.
>Well it might, if you were living in your parents' basement. Which is
>probably looking attractive right now. :p

Ah, the glory days...

--==<S m e g h e a d>==--


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Smeghead wrote:
> I went on an interview at Fry's Electronics today.
> I'm in DFW with no work prospects, a ton of apps and resumes spread
> about and Fry's was the first to arrange an interview.
> At the end of the interview, the service manager asks: "So, do you
> have any questions?"
> Yeah, I do. I don't mean to break interview protocol, but I'm in kind
> of unique circumstances. I'm displaced and in limbo. I don't want to
> return to Louisiana. So I have to know strait up front, what does this
> position pay.
> I don't think he was prepared for the forwardness of the question, but
> he plainly laid out their compensation scheme. A flat rate of $6.50
> per hour, topped off by commission.
> How does a repair tech earn commission, I asked. The department splits
> a shared earning based on the take for that week. Which might be as
> much as the base pay.
> So, I MIGHT get paid up to $13 an hour on a good week. And as little
> as $260 on a slow or poorly performing week. And that's $260 before
> taxes.
> I have to pass, thanks. That won't even cover basic expenses.
> Sheesh!

Six-f00king-fifty an hour?!?!?!? Screw Fry's Electronics. Come on,
you'd be repairing electronics that they're either going to put back on the
shelf, or for a paying customer!
Do they do warranty work? If so, that pay rate is *rediculous*!!!!

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 -
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>


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Smeghead wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:30:28 +0200, Frank van Schie
> <> wrote:
>> Smeghead wrote:
>>> I went on an interview at Fry's Electronics today.
>>> I'm in DFW with no work prospects, a ton of apps and resumes spread
>>> about and Fry's was the first to arrange an interview.
>> That would be Dallas Fort Worth? Not sure, but I recall you being in
>> Texas. I have no clue what that is; a neighbourhood in Dallas or
>> something?
>> If I'm correct, I have no clue where I picked that acronym up.
> Correct! Dallas / Fort Worth... They form two satellite major
> metropolis areas with many smaller municipalities between the two
> called the "Metroplex".

My father and stepmonster lived for years down in Keene. :)

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 -
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>


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Smeghead wrote:
>>If I'm correct, I have no clue where I picked that acronym up.
> Correct! Dallas / Fort Worth... They form two satellite major
> metropolis areas with many smaller municipalities between the two
> called the "Metroplex".


My knowledge of the US deepens. Soon, the Plan will come into effect.
Thank for your part in the Hegemony, Smeghead.

>>$6.50 an hour?! Before taxes? I made that much picking tomatoes once,
>>when I was 15 or 16 (no taxes at all, of course. Otherwise known as
>>being paid 'black')
> You're not supposed to discuss compensation until you've been
> officially offered the position, generally.

Well, that's just stupid.

Now, I haven't actually applied to a lot of jobs in the past (tomato
picking is "anyone who'll take what we're paying", and my current
tech-support job was immediate hire after the interviews, and that's
basically my career so far.

But what you earn should be discussed at about the same time as what
your hours are (which I presume *is* discussed before they make you the
actual offer), etc.

Of course, American companies have it easy, being able to fire someone
at will, it seems. You don't like your job? Well fine, clear out your desk.

Come to the Netherlands, much better job security. No immediate firing
(although they can ask for a permit to terminate your contract, you have
to be notified that they are doing such, and it usually takes a few
months to get through). Cheap housing compared to some areas of the US
(expect to pay about 300-400 euro's a month for a family apartment or
row-home). Decent healthcare system (due for possible nigh-total
annihilation in a few months. Or not. Noone actually knows yet).


Jun 14, 2001
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On 21 Sep 2005 07:33:26 GMT, "Miracle Smith" <>

>Smeghead wrote:
>> I went on an interview at Fry's Electronics today.
>> I'm in DFW with no work prospects, a ton of apps and resumes spread
>> about and Fry's was the first to arrange an interview.
>> At the end of the interview, the service manager asks: "So, do you
>> have any questions?"
>> Yeah, I do. I don't mean to break interview protocol, but I'm in kind
>> of unique circumstances. I'm displaced and in limbo. I don't want to
>> return to Louisiana. So I have to know strait up front, what does this
>> position pay.
>> I don't think he was prepared for the forwardness of the question, but
>> he plainly laid out their compensation scheme. A flat rate of $6.50
>> per hour, topped off by commission.
>> How does a repair tech earn commission, I asked. The department splits
>> a shared earning based on the take for that week. Which might be as
>> much as the base pay.
>> So, I MIGHT get paid up to $13 an hour on a good week. And as little
>> as $260 on a slow or poorly performing week. And that's $260 before
>> taxes.
>> I have to pass, thanks. That won't even cover basic expenses.
>> Sheesh!
> Six-f00king-fifty an hour?!?!?!? Screw Fry's Electronics. Come on,
>you'd be repairing electronics that they're either going to put back on the
>shelf, or for a paying customer!
> Do they do warranty work? If so, that pay rate is *rediculous*!!!!

Yes, they do warranty repair too.

Rediculous indeed. I'll remain a consumer and not an employee.

--==<S m e g h e a d>==--


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Frank van Schie's last words before the Sword of Azrial plunged through
his body were:
> Come to the Netherlands, much better job security. No immediate firing
> (although they can ask for a permit to terminate your contract, you have
> to be notified that they are doing such, and it usually takes a few
> months to get through).

What if they are doing something like, not doing their job, ripping off
the company, etc.


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Hellmark wrote:
> Frank van Schie's last words before the Sword of Azrial plunged through
> his body were:
>>Come to the Netherlands, much better job security. No immediate firing
>>(although they can ask for a permit to terminate your contract, you have
>>to be notified that they are doing such, and it usually takes a few
>>months to get through).
> What if they are doing something like, not doing their job, ripping off
> the company, etc.

Well, they can tell someone to pack up their things and get the hell
out, of course. However, if their reason isn't (a) Objectively severe
*and* (b) Subjectively urgent, the employee can sue for his job back and
damages. At which point the employer/employee relationship is disrupted,
and you can file to end the contract based on that and come to some sort
of deal.

If it is very severe (say, a male employee feeling up female co-workers)
but it isn't urgent (because he's a code monkey in the basement of the
building where Woman has not set foot since the dawn of time, say)
immediate termination would probably not be warranted.

Sometimes I feel as though worker protection has gone a bit too far, but
then, most workers I know don't try to screw their companies, while the
other way 'round is simply a sound business decision.