Now they need to go after the companies that release IOT devices where they prevent all local access, and then as soon as a new model is released, the old cloud reliant devices stop getting updates for security issues.
The whole making a product completely cloud reliant, is done for business purposes, and not technical ones. This is largely to have additional bargaining power over the consumer. For example, suppose you like amazon video, and they change the rates, or screw up the service, you can easily switch to netflix at no switching cost (just replace an app or use a different website and you are good to go. On the other hand, you spend a few hundred dollars on some cloud reliant IOT cameras, and they decide that your monthly service fee to access and record content from your camera, is going up by $10, then you can't easily switch, you are instead stuck deciding between accepting a price increase, or effectively bricking hundreds of dollars of equipment.
They should not be allowed to maintain such an anti-consumer business model, while also being able to not take responsibility for the problems it causes.
If they are going to take the service life control out of the hands of the consumer, then they should be held accountable for the security. That means with the average security camera offering a 20 year service life, they should have to maintain the products for at least 20 years.