FTC Warns Android Devs Not To Track Users Without Disclosure, Opt-Out Option

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Thank God that some common-sense rules are being put into play. The industry completely failed to regulate itself and this is hopefully just the first of many steps to return control to device owners.
I think this is FTC testing the waters. The big dilemma for a US regulatory agency in policing the Internet is that a lot of companies are foreign and they have no authority over them. If they can get the foreign companies to comply they can jump right in.
I don't see the problem how is this any different than what the NSA has been doing for years? privacy haha that's a joke not on the internet doesn't exist
It's already a red light signal if an app is asking for control over a feature it doesn't use. Like a flashlight app asking for your location or contacts. It's good the Google Play Store tells you exactly which features an app will have access to.
Isn't this pretty much what Android is designed to do? Or pretty much any mobile operating system/Windows 10?
In Android, at least they would have to request the Microphone Permission prior to install. But most users do not think to read the fine print.
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