Fujitsu Launches 12-inch Convertible Core i3 Tablet

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Fair price for a tablet pc, but yet another disappointment. I use to be fine with these tablets, but now that I am getting into digital art and video editing I find the low resolutions available frustrating.

In fact, I got so frustrated I had to go buy an old Toshiba M200 to get decent screen resolution (1400x1050). It looks like my only solution is to go desktop and somehow find $2000 for a 21" Cintiq.

It is a bit of a shame. Manufacturers haven't realized that tablet pcs haven't caught on - few people realize how to use them for inking (or realize that it helps with professors when your screen is folded down and they can see you aren't on Facebook, checking email, or watching streaming video). Nor do they realize the potential for digital artists.
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