Fullscreen Dual Monitors


Aug 17, 2015
I currently have a 60hz 1080p monitor with a GTX 970 which is quite loud because its a reference model. When the GTX 1070 is available for pre order on scan.co.uk I am going to get one of the aftermarket ones. I am also getting a 144hz monitor this week because I don't feel like I could get a 1070 without getting a high refresh rate 1080p monitor. I want to game full screen mode on the new 144hz monitor I will be getting, because I get a small amount of input lag on windowed borderless, but also I heard that there can be problems when playing full screen with 2 monitors. For example the second screen going black for a few seconds when tabbing in and out of the game I am playing when in full screen mode. Would I be having this problem if I had 2 monitors set up and I tabbed in and out?

It's normal for a second monitor to reset when you are tabbing out of fullscreen mode. Also, i recommend that you play your games in native fullscreen and that you get a G-sync monitor, as that is a must.
Like this: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/aoc-monitor-g2460pg
or this: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/dell-monitor-s2716dg
Get the one you can afford.