Here you can download manual for your motherboard, but i ll write it down too.
Link to manual
So first motherboard orientation, as top i take shorter side of motherboard which is closer to CPU socket.
Packed with your PSU you should have these connectors
1 x 20+4pin main connector - motherboard connector is at the edge on right side. It's only power connector big enough for it, put 24 pin one to it and other 10 + 18 into PSU.
1 x 4+4pin & 1 x EPS 12V 8pin - these are for cpu as i found your motherboard have 2 connectors for cpu (upper left corner of board, you can either use just one or plug both if you want, but your CPU wont probably take so much power anyway), plug them into 2 pci-e/cpu connectors on PSU.
6 x 6+2pin PCI-E - there are for graphic cards and are made from 6 pin and 2 pin which can be attached to 6 pin to make 8 pin total. Use as many as you need for your GPU.
1 x FDD - you wont need this one i hope
Up to 10 x SATA - this is for your optical drive and ssd / hdd. there will be more connectors on one cable like 3 or 5 at once. You should be able to go with 1 depending on how many ssd/hdd/odd you got or also depends on your cable management so use it as it fit you.
Up to 5 x Peripheral - this i'm not sure what they mean i guess molex cables for basic setup you should not need them
I'm not sure how better to help unless i would start posting images. I guess best will be to read manual and quick install guide to your motherboard. It contains position of all sockets and also pictures how each connector looks.
Good luck with assembly.