*Fustration* hd-mediatype.



Goddamn. When I expanded from my 4gb and bought a IBM 45gb , it was a bit buggy; sometimes it wouldn't find any files, and d:\ was filled with >50gb with files named that didn't make any sense.

I'd just restart, and everything was fine. This happened to my an hour ago, while I was copying a file from cd-rom to that drive. I aborted the copy, and restarted. At restart, windows claimed: "Invalid mediatype. Abort, Retry, Ignore." I ignored. It said "ERROR AT INT 24# at some point, too.
WinScandisk says that my drive is not formatted, or locked by another prog. DosScandisk says "unable 2 proceed". I'm [-peep-]. All my custom-made stuff are gone. mp3's. DivX's.

I even tried to plug the drive out, restart, plug in, restart. nothing.

Any help would be appriciated. What to do, how to avoid, which prog that can fix it (very important), etc.

Thx in advance, BullDozer


Is it recognized in the bios and set up correctly? Is the master/slave jumper set correctly? How are both drives set up on the IDE channels(i.e. master/slave primary or secondary channel)? Did you partition and format the drive?.. What OS are you using? How does a 45G drive get over 50G of data on it (that's not possible)? If you remove the drive do you still get the "invalid mediatype" error on boot?


It's detected as meant to, worked allright, but my theory is:

After a certain time, it enters "sleep" mode. When i request action from it, it takes 15 sec to start up. That's when it on rare accation gets something wrong. My files aren't on the disk, just some files with names made of random ACSII-codes. I know that scandisk would mighty like to delete everything, so I normally turned it of. And everyhting was fine.

I'm pretty sure that most of my start-up requests was READ. when it [-peep-] up and got everything wrong, i started to write to it. It must have written over parts of my bootarea, possibly destroying a copy of fat, and most likely the mediadescription (who says what filesystem it is, cd, floppy, fat16, fat32, ntfs...). I think I need a program who can just set the mediatype (fat32) and recover the fat from one of the copies.

If that exists, that is...

I'm able to format it, but that would mean the doom of my files. it was primary slave on a epox dma66 MoBo. no error when the drive is out. I'm pretty sure it's a diskDATA problem
. Will Search&recover fix it?
Any help, links, comments are apricciated (wrongly spelled, i know)



well.. I'm thinking the files are probably doomed and corrupted anyways.. if they were your only copy I am sorry. I'm still not sure what quite happened. If you recognized it properly in the bios and properly fdisk and formatted it to begin with, I'm not sure what happened, whether it was caused by ACPI or what. 15 secs is obviously too long for a drive to be accessible even from sleep mode. I got old old SCSI drives that can spin up and be ready faster than that. I don't see how you could physically through Windows write over the fat table of a hard drive partition. I have kind of seen this happen on a hard drive that had head crash (or could have been a virus I don't remember) where the files came up labeled with ASCII strings for names, the data was totaly ruined. I really don't think you erased the fat table as you say so that's what messed up the files.. no. I'm really not sure..maybe somebody will have some suggestions. I would advise turning off ACPI in the future.


Dec 31, 2007

i had similar problems with Win95B/C and drives in sleep mode. Disabling the sleep mode in the Bios annd Windows did solve that problem.
I think that linux fdisk can change the mediatype. Have fun. ;-)
