Fx-4300 performance issues


Mar 21, 2017
I've had this set up for about a year and a half now and it consist of:
Amd fx-4300
R9 280x
8gb DDR3
Two HDD (one boot/one mass storage)

But the issue I'm looking at is I can play games like Resident evil 7 or other graphical intensive game with relatively 50-60 fps med/high, but when it comes to playing overwatch I can't get anywhere near the 60fps that I have seen other people play at. Is there a potential bottleneck or should I have added more information that may be helpful to anyone Reading.
Do you play anything else the could clarify that it's not just an issue with that game? It could very well be a bottleneck as the FX-4300 is very weak CPU to today's standards. You will get ~25%+ more performance from a Pentium G4560 which is a really cheap modern CPU. Hope this helps :)


I agree with him updating everything to make sure it's not driver issues but his 280X should be more than capable of Overwatch on Ultra at 1080p 70+ FPS. Other than game/driver issues i would say his CPU is letting him down. Here is a benchmark by TechSpot showing the 280X to be very capable of this game (note this is with an i7 6700K) http://www.techspot.com/review/1180-overwatch-benchmarks/page2.html
1. Update your graphics card bios to latest.
2. Update your graphics card driver to the latest.
3. Last but not least, maybe it's time for you to upgrade your graphics card 😉
Do you play anything else the could clarify that it's not just an issue with that game? It could very well be a bottleneck as the FX-4300 is very weak CPU to today's standards. You will get ~25%+ more performance from a Pentium G4560 which is a really cheap modern CPU. Hope this helps :)


I agree with him updating everything to make sure it's not driver issues but his 280X should be more than capable of Overwatch on Ultra at 1080p 70+ FPS. Other than game/driver issues i would say his CPU is letting him down. Here is a benchmark by TechSpot showing the 280X to be very capable of this game (note this is with an i7 6700K) http://www.techspot.com/review/1180-overwatch-benchmarks/page2.html
Some of the list of games I've played: Resident evil 7, battlefield 1, borderlands 2, World of tanks, h1z1 etc.. I've updated the drivers already and if I purchase the G4560 then I would have to purchase new ram and a motherboard

I was just hoping that there was something I missed that would help my CPU perform like many of the same ones I've seen play overwatch.
Alright I'll save up some pay checks and plan on upgrading. Thanks again for your guys' time if anything I'll recheck drivers and play some lower demanding games for now