Remember that most if not all low profile (half height) MX440/5200 cards are 64bit memory width and therefore not an improvement.
Compared to what you have now you could get (all will be about twice 2x-3x as good):
8500, 9000, 9100, 9200 (not SE, it's 64bit)
Nvidia (128bit memory width versions):
GF4 MX440
Even though the stickied guide says not to go with the Nvidia cards any 128bit version of the above cards will outperform the one you have now significantly.
Myself I would try and track down the a GF4 Ti4200. If not the best out of the 9xxx ones is the 9100 (64MB), then 9200, then 9000.
The good thing about picking any of the Radeon 9xxx cards is you KNOW they will be 128bit versions (except the SE it is 64 bit, but at least ATI has the decency to change the name so it's easy to tell).
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