FX 6300 Upgrade to FX 8350


Jan 26, 2015
I will get very soon a R9 280x and i was thinking to get a FX 8350 too. ATM i have a FX 6300 and i don't know if it's really worth get the 8350 or just wait 5-6 months and get maybe a I5 4690

Current Specs:
Motherboard: ASUS M5A78L-M LX3
GPU: XFX HD7770 1GB GHz Edition
CPU: FX 6300
PSU: Corsair RM 750w Gold

Edit: Aprox prices here in my country:
FX8350: 270 USD
I5 4690: 400 USD
I5 4690k: 520 USD
+1 for both of TinyVoices posts. And Woody's concern is valid.

You won't see a big gain going from FX 6300 to 8350. A nicely overclocked FX 6300 can game with a low-to-midrange end i5 and will support a GTX 970 ro R9 290 very well.

Even at stock, 8350 pulls a lot more current than a 6300. It won't OC well on your current motherboard. You risk overheating the VRMs.

I would put a Hyper 212 EVO or better on the FX 6300, OC it to the 4.5-4.7 range, and wait to see how Skylake and Zen look.

Also worth noting: Early tests show Windows 10 with Direct X 12 will make good use of up to 6 CPU cores, but not quite 8. Mantle can use all 8, but doesn't give any gains. DX 12 is just that much better at using resources than 11. So my...
Your FX-6300 is perfectly capable of handling an R9 280X, with no bottlenecking issues. I would stick with that until you can afford to go with Intel. Anyway, your current motherboard isn't particularly good for use with the FX-8350 - the high TDP of the CPU would cause your motherboard to run incredibly hot without proper heatsinks.

the i5's are better for gaming but keep in mind the if you want to buy an intel cpu you need to change your motherboard.. so its all a matter of price, if you dont want to waste a lot of money for not much performance i whould recommend just going with the 8350, although you can also go with the 8320, its the same but the 8350 is factory overclocked (same thing in the 8370), you if you can overclock it yourself just go with the 8320 and save some bucks..

No chance he will get an FX-8350 running on that board without throttling issues. If he wants a new CPU, he'll need a new motherboard either way. Until then, the FX-6300 is perfectly suffice.

+1 for both of TinyVoices posts. And Woody's concern is valid.

You won't see a big gain going from FX 6300 to 8350. A nicely overclocked FX 6300 can game with a low-to-midrange end i5 and will support a GTX 970 ro R9 290 very well.

Even at stock, 8350 pulls a lot more current than a 6300. It won't OC well on your current motherboard. You risk overheating the VRMs.

I would put a Hyper 212 EVO or better on the FX 6300, OC it to the 4.5-4.7 range, and wait to see how Skylake and Zen look.

Also worth noting: Early tests show Windows 10 with Direct X 12 will make good use of up to 6 CPU cores, but not quite 8. Mantle can use all 8, but doesn't give any gains. DX 12 is just that much better at using resources than 11. So my recommendation would also be to stick with the 6 core for Win 10 + DX 12.

It seems a really nice advice! Probably i will buy that 212 EVO and wait.
BTW Thanks to all for the answers!