FX 9590 cooled with an EVO 212

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Mar 25, 2016
I have seen lots of posts about this processor and it seems to me that it is all over the place or just flat out wrong.

Currently, I am running an FX 9590 air cooled with an EVO 212 (single fan). I did use the best paste money can buy Tuniq TX-4 and applied it using the pea method. It is currently running with Turbo off, at 4.7Ghz, and with a voltage of 1.46. The max temperature I have seen it get is 51 Celsius. I do have a case with lots and lots of air flow Cooler Master HAF 922, space to allow air to flow freely, and a way to cleanly manage cabling.

I do plan on getting a Kracken x61 down the road. Anyone else running this processor?
If it's staying at reasonable temperatures during your typical use, that's fantastic. However, it's still unfortunately outperformed in games by a processor that was $220 (FX 9590's current retail price) 4 years ago, which draws a quarter the power and can be cooled by this HSF, silently:

Look at the last graphs http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/cpu/display/amd-fx-9590-9370_7.html#sect0.

From this graph u must take in consideration RAM, Mobo, HDD, and PSU eficiency around 50-70W and u got left around 270W which is close to 300W. I said 300W because i did now the exact figure but before you start insulting you should think a bit or you cant?
Again, this forum isn't intended for angry fan Intel fan boys. This is for people that have or want the FX 9590. I used the best thermal grease you can buy, Tuniq TX-4. No cure time and yes it is better than Artic. My case has a ton of air flow and I still have room to put fans. I have 2x 120mm fans one in the front and another in the back, then on the top it has a 240mm fan. I am using an 212 EVO, to air cool my 9590 undervolted with turbo off.

The processor is 220w and I have it undervolted with turbo off. I am not getting 300w. This guy was able to get his 9590 down to 150w.

I am not an intel fan, in my house i got 3 rigs in which 2 are amd cpu for my wife and kid and mine intel for gaming. This explains everything turbo off and undervolted can decrease a lot the tdp but it is not healthy for the cpu. And doing this you cannot benefit of your cpu full potential, it is a good cpu is too bad to use it for about 60-70% of his potential, change your cooler as fast as posible.
Sorry, what?

I'm not advocating removing the IHS. Even without delidding, it's a safe bet that you can get 4.0-4.2ghz with the stock cooler and still have safe temperatures.

That is what the point is not, though. My point, is that today's FX9 CPUs are out competed by Intel CPUs that sold for the same price 4 years ago, nevermind what else you can buy today for that price.

FX8 CPUs can be good, economical choices if one already has a system you could drop one into, but FX9 CPUs are just plain bad choices - not because they're too slow, but because there are much better CPUs for the same money, even before you consider the added costs of power supply, cooling, and beefy motherboard needed to run one of these chips.
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