FX series


Dec 8, 2003
two things
I seem to have no direct 3d funtionality on any of my asus fx5200 cards (3 machines with different motherboards) - what do i need to do to get that working (there are several games that need it) - when i check the win98 diagnostics there is no d3d installed apparently! oh yeah - i'm still using win98. my msi fx5700 works fine with 98.

Second thing - is there a search feature on these message boards - if so where?
First, Install <A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/default.aspx?url=/windows/directx/productinfo/overview/default.htm" target="_new">Direct X</A> (aka Direct 3D aka D3D).

Second, the Search feature is on the left of your screen, marked as "Search Boards".

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:
Lol!! Tahts becuaes teh geeforce effex caerds donot support teh darect exx! Tehy sapport teh nvidias SEE GEE engien.. and soem othar stuffs like pre-determined rendar paths and dragon-hiding techniques!

Me: are you saying I can't provide?
Me: cause I know I can provide.
Me: oh and I can provide money too😉
Rachel:): why do we need money when we can just stay in our room and have sex all day?