Fx6300+ HD7790+GA-78LMT-USB3+Corsair Vengeance Blue+Corsair CX Series CX430 430W

No mate, a 7790 is enough to run bf4 in medium to high at a stable 40 frames per second, it's a solid gpu for it's cost and it should do the work fine, if you would like to turn up the settings a bit higher you could save up some money and get radoen hd 7850 or 7870
You won't be able to play bf4 with that gpu, its not exactly high end.... Or mid range for that matter.... A 650ti would be more up to speed. With that build you'd be able to play on low-low mid no worries but if you haven't purchased yet it suggest you reconsider on parts. If you need help picking some... Give me a budget... And I'll give you a good build.
i have a budget about 600 i guess

No mate, a 7790 is enough to run bf4 in medium to high at a stable 40 frames per second, it's a solid gpu for it's cost and it should do the work fine, if you would like to turn up the settings a bit higher you could save up some money and get radoen hd 7850 or 7870

Okay thanks i decided to upgrade to intel i7-3770k and gtx 680. thanks though ill give save this build for a budger build for friends :)

WOW that's a hell of improvement mate, it's great that you have upgraded your pc in that way, i'm glad i could help and good luck with that monster