The RGB RAM modules actually look pretty cool, but a 128 GB set of them is absurd for almost any scenario where one would be using RGB lighting. For a gaming system, even 16GB should be more than enough for any games released in the next couple years. There is practically no use for 128GB of RAM in a home system right now, and I really don't think music-reactive rainbow lighting would be much of a priority for servers. Plus, a server, or any other professional system that might have use for so much RAM would likely be using ECC memory anyway. Even 64 GB is beyond excessive for a home system. What's the point of having so much memory if 75% of it will never be touched before the hardware is obsolete? The only reason I could see for anyone buying so much would be for bragging rights. But really though, it would probably be more impressive if they used the money to have their entire computer gold-plated or something. : P