G-Sync missing from control panel (Can't use new FreeSync support)

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Nov 20, 2016
I have a GTX 1080ti and an MSI G27C 1080p monitor with FreeSync. When I heard about NVIDIA's support of FreeSync on all monitors, I tried to use the feature but found that I have no G-Sync option in the control panel. I got the latest drivers that support the feature, but aren't on what to do to enable it. Would appreciate any help or advice on the topic.
Relevant system spec:
Ryzen 3 1200
Windows 8.1
MSI G27C 27" 1080p 144hz
MSI GTX 1080ti Armor
417.71 NVIDIA Driver

The requirements are listed here: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/1021857-g-sync-compatible-master-thread/

If you don't meet all of the requirements, the option won't show up.

They have just added support for FreeSync with their GPUs. From the guides on youtube, I am missing the menu for GSync. Refer to this: https://youtu.be/icJnTUAaB9Y?t=305

I am using DP, and I tried this with both freesync on and off

The requirements are listed here: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/1021857-g-sync-compatible-master-thread/

If you don't meet all of the requirements, the option won't show up.

Don't get your hopes up, I have Windows 10 and it is still missing. 🙁 No idea on a solution.
Maybe a silly remark, but: I have an MSI Optix MAG341CQ, and it can turn the FreeSync on and off in the monitor's setup itself. I had to turn it on, restart the nvidia control panel, for the G SYNC option to show up. Maybe your monitor has a similar option?
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