G-Sync Monitor flickers under 30~35 FPS


Nov 27, 2016
Hi there,

I have a specific problem. I have an Acer XB271HU 144hz 1440p Monitor with G-sync support. I bought it a half year ago and some weeks earlier I get 2 piece of pixel failure (first piece had 7 failed pixels, second one only 2), then Acer decided to change the LCD panel.

After I recieved the monitor I noted that when I play sometimes the monitor has some flickering / vibration like if someone always would change the brightness. Most situations when the monitor flickers is loading screens, but non first person shooter games, like strategic games always suffers, or for example FIFA: when the ball exits the grass it always flicker.

The problem is very annoying, and I think worse than a pixel-failure. I contacted Acer again and sent them the monitor for a test, but think it is ok. (Now I try to make something with them again, but I am writing this post, because what if I don't get help)

I would like to ask you is there any possible options to solve the problem?
The situation is very unfair, because if I buy this one and try at home I have the right to bring it back within 3 days, but this monitor was bought 6 months ago.

Thanks for all!

Reason i asked is best to stay with genuine displayport cables or at least know a 3rd party longer cable has been tested. Longer cables, over 1.8m (2m+), can act funny at 144Hz with flickering on desktop. But thats not your issue.

It's not normal for your monitor to be flickering or doing silly things even at low frame rates. I own Acer XB270HU never had a problem with Gsync on running ie: Farcry 4 maxed out on a GTX780 where it would dip to lows. Had the monitor before upgrading to 1070.

Before your monitor was sent back for panel repair, it was working fine? Think if it was, Acer must have caused it like mishandling without too much care, possibly damaging a connector or not connecting a ribbon properly. Saying, when you have people...
I see, but there is one thing which I don't understand. Before the change of the LCD panel, I haven't got any flicker anywhere. Maybe under 30 FPS / Hz monitor switched off G-sync, what is totally OK, because I don't need it under 30 fps, but now it doesn't switch it off. My PC is the same, I didn't change it during this time, and the GPU is a GTX1070.

Maybe is there an option to disable G-Sync under 30 FPS?

Thank you for the answers!

I can only give you the short answer, g sync doesnt work well under 30fps.

so lower your settings to stay above 30 fps or disable g sync
ULMB might be a good solvation, but its on 120 hz right? So I have to reach 120 fps always?

For testing reasons I tried Heroes Might and Magic VI on my computer, and when I click on anywhere and FPS drops from etc 140 FPS to etc 56 FPS there is also a flickering. At almost 60 Hz / FPS. It is very annoying.

Sorry it was late last night and rushed my reply.

Only speaking from experience with c&c3, an 30fps game, ulmb/fixed refresh is smoother than Gsync at low frame rates. In every aspect of Gsync and ulmb you guys are right with their hz requirements to operate properly. The mouse cursor is a little jumpy in C&c3 menu with Gsync on but fluid with either ulmb or fixed, just ulmb is a little darker.

To geriszabo13, are you using the 1m displayport cable Acer supplied you with or did you buy a longer cable?


Thank you for your answer. I am using the original Acer cable which was supplied by the monitor.
Reason i asked is best to stay with genuine displayport cables or at least know a 3rd party longer cable has been tested. Longer cables, over 1.8m (2m+), can act funny at 144Hz with flickering on desktop. But thats not your issue.

It's not normal for your monitor to be flickering or doing silly things even at low frame rates. I own Acer XB270HU never had a problem with Gsync on running ie: Farcry 4 maxed out on a GTX780 where it would dip to lows. Had the monitor before upgrading to 1070.

Before your monitor was sent back for panel repair, it was working fine? Think if it was, Acer must have caused it like mishandling without too much care, possibly damaging a connector or not connecting a ribbon properly. Saying, when you have people dismantling something of yours, putting in a lot of faith they do a good job.

Try run the monitor at a lower hz setting with Gsync still on, (60/85/100 etc) and see if problem still happens.

Could try another gpu driver (If you updated since getting the monitor back) might be an idea to roll back, or update again.

Check condition of cable ends to monitor and pc, for dust or anything.

There's not a lot else you can do besides checking this and that, i reckon somethings not right inside the monitor though.

Thank you for your answer. GPU driver wasn't updated so it is the same before I send back the monitor, and after I recieved.

I think this too you say: they didn't handled it care and did something wrong. I used this monitor for 6 months and there wasn't any single flicker. Yesterday I could contact Acer again, and they will bring it back to test again. I am very courious what could they do.
Monitor arrived to Acer, and today they wrote me a mail, that they didn’t recognize / see the problem. I tried to make videos by my phone, but its camera not the best so the flickering can’t be seen. I tried to write them to test it with games / 3D Mark Firestrike under 30 fps, usually on loading screens, but they asked me to write more to recognize the problem. What should I write to them to see the failure?
Only thing you can probably ask them to do is test Gsync operation range that is from absolute lowest to highest.

Also ask them how are they testing and just get them to make sure monitor menu settings are correct.

Did you explain the brightness thing you had happen to you?

Actually im not sure what to make of the brightness thing, is the monitor while it's flickering the brightness fluctuates?

Hey boju,

Thanks for answer. I told them everything, and agter almost 2 weeks they replaced the LCD panel again, and today I get it back.

Although they replaced the LCD the problem is still there! With the new LCD panel under 30 FPS it flickeres as well.

I don't know what should I do.
Thats a shame

Is there a chance you can take it to a friends or computer shop you can be there for testing? To rule out your system?

Other than that, could try the very latest geforce drivers that have been released.

Have you made a thread at Geforce forums of your issue?
Bad news I almost tried eerything but didn't help. I tried with one of my friends PC with older version of GeForce driver and other GPU, but was the same problem, as same as I tried adaptive sync, V-sync, Fast sync or maximal power in Nvidia Control Panel.

It's quite clear then something is still wrong with the monitor.

Further advice from geforce forums should be beneficial long as you get a response from a Nvidia representative that frequent there to make your argument concrete to let Acer know this isn't good enough. Hopefully they (nvidia) or general folk there at geforce forums can give you a better idea whats going on before it comes to fighting Acer.