G-Sync Monitor flickers under 30~35 FPS

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Nov 27, 2016
Hi there,

I have a specific problem. I have an Acer XB271HU 144hz 1440p Monitor with G-sync support. I bought it a half year ago and some weeks earlier I get 2 piece of pixel failure (first piece had 7 failed pixels, second one only 2), then Acer decided to change the LCD panel.

After I recieved the monitor I noted that when I play sometimes the monitor has some flickering / vibration like if someone always would change the brightness. Most situations when the monitor flickers is loading screens, but non first person shooter games, like strategic games always suffers, or for example FIFA: when the ball exits the grass it always flicker.

The problem is very annoying, and I think worse than a pixel-failure. I contacted Acer again and sent them the monitor for a test, but think it is ok. (Now I try to make something with them again, but I am writing this post, because what if I don't get help)

I would like to ask you is there any possible options to solve the problem?
The situation is very unfair, because if I buy this one and try at home I have the right to bring it back within 3 days, but this monitor was bought 6 months ago.

Thanks for all!

Reason i asked is best to stay with genuine displayport cables or at least know a 3rd party longer cable has been tested. Longer cables, over 1.8m (2m+), can act funny at 144Hz with flickering on desktop. But thats not your issue.

It's not normal for your monitor to be flickering or doing silly things even at low frame rates. I own Acer XB270HU never had a problem with Gsync on running ie: Farcry 4 maxed out on a GTX780 where it would dip to lows. Had the monitor before upgrading to 1070.

Before your monitor was sent back for panel repair, it was working fine? Think if it was, Acer must have caused it like mishandling without too much care, possibly damaging a connector or not connecting a ribbon properly. Saying, when you have people...
I tried at GeFroce forum, but I didn't get too much help: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/1020036/geforce-drivers/g-sync-monitor-flickers-under-30-35-fps/

For a moment back to brightness fluctate, when I feel stutter I tried to capture the game via Fraps, but on the video the stutter doesn't seeable. I can see it only when I'm in game, so technically it isn't stuttering, it is brightnes fluctuate.
If its not the panel my guess its gsync chip related. If that's not faulty might as well guess it be (coincidentally) driver issue as suggested there at Geforce.

I suggest using display driver uninstaller in safe mode. http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html

Wipe it all and install an older Nvidia driver. You can get an idea of revision number to try from driver feedback threads at Geforce forums which if latest driver is no good an older better driver is usually mentioned.
Thanks for the advice. Just tried this morning to remove my 382.56 with DDU in safe mode, and installed 372.70, which was the first Display driver to fit with the GTX 1070. As you mentioned I read more articles about GeForce drivers, lot of people wrote that the problem comes above 345.35. Problem is, that to GTX 1070 I can't install older version that 345.35.

I can't believe thet GeForce or Nvidia can't make a good software to their hardware.
Yes you are right, the only thing I didn't try is the cable. Unfortunetally I have only 1 DP cable (which was brought by Acer in the box) and I used only this one. When I send back the monitor first time I packed it well, and maybe it could be damaged. Next week I will buy another one, and I will to replace the cable.

But if isn't the cable, I don't know how further.
Getting in contact with Acer again until you get it sorted unfortunately. If you do send it back again, include the cable for them to test.

If you go ahead with a new cable few things to look out for.

Brand, length and bitrate.

Startech is a certified brand along with Accell.

Cable needs to be High Bitrate 2 (HBR2)

Recommended length 1m / max 1.8m for 144Hz without possible flicker. Over 1.8m chance of flicker depending on cable quality.
I have this phenomenon with both my gsync monitors, both of them acer xb271hu (one TN and one IPS) Under 30fps they flicker ever so slightly. Its most notable on the upper corners. I first noticed it on my TN panel (which is new and returnabl) and thought it was defective, but I was able to recreate it in my older IPS panel and my brother in law's panel as well. I have tried 30fps caps before just to show friends the difference between 30/60/144 fps and never noticed the flicker. It is totally recreatable though, My guess is that it was always there at low fps and you've just noticed it now and you can't unsee it. For those who say it doesn't happen on their panel, it is a very subtle flicker and if you're not sensitive to it you migth not even notice. Try to concentrate on the upper corners of the screen when capping your fps at 30 and under.
Hi yoitsmegabe,

That's interesting and first i've heard of that. I'm aware of light bleeding from the corners and edges on ips panels but not what you describe and on a tn panel as well. I did some testing on my xb270hu using nvidia inspector to limit frames trying 29.5 and lower in L4D2 up against a solid colour wall and look around, i didn't see any abnormal behavior looking at monitor edges close up with brightness at 80% & 100%. I usually run it at 80 but thought i'd try 100% as well to be sure.

Not to say its not happening, possibly the game? different monitor? Not sure but good you pointed that out though since op has the same monitor.


Even more interesting is that I got another IPS version and this one does not flicker. Neither of my IPS monitors when paired together are flickering. Only when I pair the IPS and TN version does either flicker. Even stranger is that gsync reports the correct refresh rate when below 30fps whereas when the TN was thrown in the mix, it would show the wrong number when below 30. For example, with the TN if the framerate were at 20, gsync would show 20 on the monitors built in refresh counter and it would flicker. When the IPS pair are connected and set to 20fps, the refresh counter shows 40 and no flicker. W...T..F lol. Anyway I'm sending the TN back and keeping both IPS. I'm done testing and I swear I saw flicker on my cellphone, then on my wall. My brain is fried.
Lol the glow is mesmerising

This might explain whats happening with the flicker that pairing a tn might have an incidental effect on your ips.


Seems tn's with gsync at low frame rates is not good