G1 GTX 970 Hitting 76 Degrees When Overclocked(No Voltage)


Mar 1, 2015
I noticed while playing the Witcher 3 that my G1 GTX 970 hit 76 Degrees under full load, I'm running with an Overclock of +300 to the memory, +130 to the core and the Power at 112% with no tweaks to the Voltage.
It might be important to note that my PC has been running for almost 24 hours straight downloading the game but even then, this seems rather high
Ambient temp=25 Degrees

Any Ideas?

I'm going to shut down my PC for a few hours and see if it helps, Never seen it get that high before, Usually never hits 70


Ya, its kinda weird for it to be getting this hot out of nowhere, It used to cap out at around 68 Degrees but 76 just seems kinda weird. There might be some dust on the fans or something like that.
My PC's been on for almost 24 hours straight so I'm going to shut it down and leave it alone for a few hours and then see


depending on if you case is setup for positive or negative pressure, you may have a dust build up on the cooling fins. I use an artist brush an some compressed air on one of my systems an temps drop on cpu and gpu... just a thought...also overclocking memory can contribute to hotter temps. its not necessary in games to overclock memory. just raise cores clock.

Ya, I might clean it out a bit
