G3258 Still Viable?


May 11, 2017
Hello! So I was looking around for some Processors to pair with my STRIX 980. Im going to overclock the nuts out of it to a GTX 980 TI. I snagged it for $80 and would like to build a budget PC. However, Im currently stuck on which CPU is should pair for it. Ryzen is out of the question...
Option 1: $60 Total
Pentium G3258
MSI H81M‑P33
8GB Ram

Option 2: $92 Total
Gigabyte H110M-A

Option 3: $130
FX 8350 With Wraith Cooler
Gigabyte Motherboard
Those ^ are my current options. Now i was considering the G3258 since I have a Hyper 212 laying around. But then dont know if 2/2 cores is fine. I'd overclock it of course. Then the G4560, seems super good for the price. But then I'm really wanting a FX 8350 to overclock. Pls help ! Thanks


If you mean VRM heat spreaders then the truth is most are useless at this level. You don't need spreaders below about 120w and if you have good airflow they can actually get in the way. Then of course there are those at the top end that replace their VRM's spreader with a fan.

Either way it's a sign he's at least an overclocker. Take with that what you will. Thermal paste is a good thing, the more the merrier... unless it's the conductive sort (like arctic...
None of these cpus are viable options for a gtx 980. The performance will be terrible, although it would be better with the FX 8350. Still I would invest in a newer platform. Get a Pentium G4560 with good mobo+DDR4 ram and you have a very viable upgrade path. Or better start saving and get a Ryzen CPU. Anyway, even with high OC a gtx 980 cannot reach gtx 980 ti performance (also, a gtx 980 ti can be oced as well). Still 80 USD seems way too cheap for such a gpu (essentially a flagship around two years ago-before gtx 980 ti).
G3258 was not viable when it was new.

Yea you can overclock the piss out of it, but at the end of the day is still a dual core with no hyperthreading.
Anything that is going to push the 980ti is going to be massive bottleneck by the 3258.

The 4560 is a better option but still going to bottleneck on a 980ti.

The 8350 has more cores but they are weaker, this will only get marginally farther than the 4560 before bottlenecking.

So here is my recommendations
1) save until you can buy the right platform to begin with (intel coffe lake is coming soon enough, and ryzen 5 is not too expensive)
2) Get the g4560 which will at least enable you to drop in a kaby lake i7 latter. But you should be paring kabylake with B250 board, not h110.
Of those three the G4560 would be my vote among those three. Its faster than a stock FX-8350 and uses much less power. Plus its a current platform. TBH I think I'd get a Ryzen R3 1200 and OC it if I were on a tight budget.

Just this past weekend I built a G3258 PC from spare parts. I had a Z97 motherboard and a GTX 1060 6GB I wasn't using and was given the CPU by someone I know who was upgrading. Basically, it didn't cost me anything but the OEM Windows license. I'm using a good 140mm air cooler and was able to overclock it to 4.7 Ghz @ 1.3v. I only have a few games loaded on it right now - World of Warcraft Legion, Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4. WoW runs very well on it - only slightly lower quality settings than my i7-4790K. Much better than an FX-8320E rig I recently built for a family member. Skyrim SE is also perfect - very smooth and a solid 60 FPS. That said, Fallout 4 runs like crap - stutters galore. From what I've read that's the main issue with the G3258. Some games it does spectacularly well and others needing/wanting more than two cores/threads will choke. Fortunately I have a backlog of 4+ year old games I'm going to load on it along with WoW. Generally the older the game the better it will do. So yeah, in my case I'm having a lot of fun with it, but then again, it was free.

No doubt you can get that cpu for cheap. But finding a good motherboard for OCing it (at sane prices) is close to impossible. Also, 5Ghz is by no means guaranteed.

Yep, the suitable motherboard is always the problem with used CPUs from several generations back. Its already getting more difficult to find good socket 1150 motherboards. I can imagine what it would be like to score a good 1155 at a decent price.
My advice is sell your GTX 980Ti if you're purely trying to buy new. No disrespect but you got it for about 1/8th it's value and you cannot build or afford a new PC that will do it any justice. All the above with a 980ti will be eaten alive by a 1050 and more RAM/CPU grunt.

Sell it whilst it's still pretty recent and you will be in a much better position to buy a midrange performer, or go to ebay and get yourself a used Xeon office box for $150.


That for example will give you a 3.2Ghz quadcore and 12GB of RAM for $130. Upgrazdablility be damned, because if you wanted that you should have started the conversation talking about AM4... the only socket that will probably still be here the year after next. Intel's sure won't.

He got a gtx 980 Strix, not gtx 980 ti. It's a considerable difference. He meant that he wishes to OC the gtx 980 to reach 980 ti perforrmance which is not really possible. But, still, good point made.
I wouldn't get the G4560 with an H110 mobo bc it might not work, either get G4560 with B250 or i5-6400 (6500 would be better) with H110. I also would not spend the money people want for several year old motherboards, motherboards fail before most any other component. Stick with new stuff.
Okay. Well I have had the Gigabyte H110M-A motherboard for a while and finally sold it. It was a great little board. Had no complaints.... So do you think that the G4560 is a bad idea? Or I can get a I5 6400 and H110 motherboard for $120

Edit: Can I overclock the 6400 If i had a correct motherboard?

Consumer motherboards do. Server motherboards don't, hence the recommendation for an office box. His 980 will probably die before the average Dell WS server-box from 2007 has kicked it.

Sure, there's no overclocking and the feature set usually doesn't include pretty heatsinks and LEDs but the reality is that Xeons only justify their retail expense due to the package being bulletproof and they make excellent second hand machines.

In addition to that, you will not be able to offer a dual core machine to him that will not bottleneck a 980. They simply don't exist, and if his choice is between a G3258, G4560, i5 2400, i5 6400 he should obviously take the last. Failing that he should take a used Xeon E3/5 box. First two are lacking cores, second will be mated to an EOL mobo that isn't built to last.
So I got my STRIX 980 for $80 . Just bought some new fans since they were dead... Now I need the CPU/Motherboard. Ram isnt an issue. Like I said I can either get a I5 6400 With Gigabyte H110M-A for $120 USED. Yes that's right, however I can go to Microcenter and get the G4560 with a ROG Z170 Maximus Ranger for $120 New. Thinking I should get the Microcenter deal tbh. Watcha guys think?
i5 every time. It's a 6400 so it's not old enough to worry about reliability CPU wise and the mobo is a cheap fix if there is an issue. An i5 6400 is $180 retail today, so you can't go wrong. It's also twice as fast as that G4560.

Remember that neither is a 'K' model so you cannot overclock them.
For some reason I kind of want the G4560. (The Intel 6400/ Motherboard Guy sent me photos) The i5 6400 has thermal paste slobbered all of the poor thing. And for some odd reason he ripped the heat spreader off the motherboard.... Doesn't have one lol. Kinda seems abused tbh.

If you mean VRM heat spreaders then the truth is most are useless at this level. You don't need spreaders below about 120w and if you have good airflow they can actually get in the way. Then of course there are those at the top end that replace their VRM's spreader with a fan.

Either way it's a sign he's at least an overclocker. Take with that what you will. Thermal paste is a good thing, the more the merrier... unless it's the conductive sort (like arctic silver).

If it works and it's as cheap as you say then tick it over then get a new budget mobo for $40 down the road, otherwise get a server box and focus on the actual gaming 😉

This article answers your questions. The g3258 isn't there, but isn't a great choice anyway. The g4560 would, to me, be the obvious choice as it'll give you the option to upgrade to something better in terms of cpu down the road if you need it.