GA-P75-D3 rev 1.0 with XFX GTS 250


Aug 14, 2013
I have a Gigabyte GA-P75-D3 motherboard (rev 1.0) and I recently bought a used HD 5750 to replace the GTX 550 Ti installed and it didn't work at all

An expert in this forum suggested that the the motherboard's to blame for not supporting older graphics cards so I sold the card

Now I have a chance to buy a GTS 250 and I need someone who owns the same motherboard to confirm whether it supports that card ( or any 200 series card at least) or not
There must be something wrong with the board. Or something wrong with the card that did not show up on your other m/b because the Gigabyte 1155 socketed board is fine for that card. I'd be hesitant to recommend any other card as a result.

I know the board SHOULD support any card but it just didn't work with the HD 5750 even though it worked perfectly with the GTX 550 Ti and I tried every fix suggested on any forum I could find but it still didn't work
So, basically I think that my specific model is faulty

The HD 5750 worked perfectly with my G1.Sniper A88X
The 550 Ti is working as usual with the P75-D3
What were the symptoms when you tried the HD5750 on the Gigabyte board? Did you get a display at all?
Because there is no reason the card should not work on the Gigabyte board. In fact, the 5750 and the 550 Ti come from the same general era.

No, I didn't get any display at all
When I tried to boot I got the same sequence of beeps that I get when I remove the graphics card entirely (the motherboard doesn't have integrated graphics)
There must be something wrong with the board. Or something wrong with the card that did not show up on your other m/b because the Gigabyte 1155 socketed board is fine for that card. I'd be hesitant to recommend any other card as a result.