Galaxy GeForce GTX 680 2GB or Gigabyte Radeon HD7970 GHz Edition 3GB

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Mar 1, 2013
Im making a custom pc and im stuck on the decision between two graphics cards

They are the same price on the website i am getting them from ($469.00):

Gigabyte Radeon HD7970 GHz Edition 3GB (Comes with free Crysis 3)

Galaxy GeForce GTX 680 2GB

The games i play most on are:


Battlefield 3

Farcry 3


Borderlands 2

Total war (Shogun 2, Rome, Medieval 2, empire and Rome 2 when it comes out)

Crysis 3 (planning to buy)

I know there are alot of forums asking a similar question as this one but im having a hard time making up my mind

If anyone knows any good benchmarking websites that shows the performance on heaps of games that would help Thanks 😀


Again, comments like the one above say a lot more about you than they do about me. So do you keep a score sheet or something on me, because you missed one:

And sorry dude, it's more like 3%.
Both great cards, what resolution are you playing at? it comes down to preference/money. Nvidia is better about releasing drivers and not messing up in the process, AMD has things really well worked out right now, so that they trade blows with Nvidia, personally I lean Nvidia, But I want to lean AMD, they just seem to be having a hard time lately. However resolution also plays a big role, keep in mind the vram, I read somewhere that at 1080p crysis 3 can use up to 2.2gb, I dont know how reliable that was as I haven't played it, but if your playing on multi monitor perhaps the 7970 is a better buy.
do they do AMD's neversettle:reloaded promotion in Australia? because here with the purchase of a 7970 you would get a free copy of crysis 3 AND bioshock:infinity.

since you're already planning to buy Crysis3, I would go with the 7970 if they're doing that promortion. maybe you can call/email the shop and find out directly from them?
Your games list screams GTX 680, but two stand out:

Skyrim: The GTX 680 will allow you to enable Ambient Occlusion and Transparency Supersampling, something the 7970 can't do.

Borderlands 2: A GPU-accelerated PhysX game, only the GTX 680 will allow you to enable GPU accelerated PhysX eye candy.

Check out some benchmarks:
Battlefield 3:
Far Cry 3:
Borderlands 2:
Total War:
Crysis 3:,7.html

Most of your info is true, but I must point out that PhyX can run on the CPU when you don't have an Nvidia card. it is absolutely not true that you won't have PhyX if you don't have an Nvidia card

The 7970 GHz Vapor-x costs as much as a 680, is a tier higher on the Tomshardware hierarchy chart, and can be overclocked an additional 30% to completely obliterate any 680. It is frankly silly to consider anything else when it comes with free games.

I called the store and they are offering the Crysis 3 and bioshock deal

LMAO! You are picking the exact benchmarks to support your claim. Really an overclocked 680 beats a stock 7970 with FXAA on. Surprise!

then just get the 7970 ghz edition. it's a great card. with the deal you're saving yourself $60-100 at minimum, and even on the games where the 680 does beat the 7970, it'll be by 5% at most. besides, an overclocked 7970 ghz edition is almost unbeatable as others have stated :bounce:

Actually all of my info is true, particularly the part about GPU-accelerated PhysX only being possible on an Nvidia card. There have been reports of people running Borderlands 2 PhysX on their CPU, but the performance is spotty at best. It's certainly not something you would plan for at the beginning when the option is available to purchase a GTX 680.

"In Borderlands 2 the NVIDIA video cards reigned supreme in providing the best visual experience due to the spot on utilization of PhysX. While users can attempt to enable PhysX on Medium on AMD video cards, we experienced several game crashes and a few system freezes. Because we kept crashing with PhysX enabled on the AMD video cards we determined it was not playable for us, so we ran all of the video cards with PhysX disabled and received great performance."

well, I guess one can never let an fanboy run free... even just here on Tom's, we see a VERY RECENT set of benchmarks where the 7970ghz beats a 680 ACROSS THE BOARD,3442-3.html

It can go either way depending on the test system etc. I think the 7970 ghz edition is slightly better, you may call me biased if you want. but if you're gonna go around telling people the 680 is a clear winner, well people have shown that it's not true

I'm trying to figure out how your post and insults are related to the quote regarding PhysX in Borderlands 2, or anything else that's been posted so far.

Insults violate the Tom's Hardware Rules of Conduct.

I fail to figure out how you are arriving at the conclusion that I have insulted you. I'm pointing out the fact that most of the benchmarks you have linked are biased toward Nvidia, I have cited a recent set of benchmarks done right here by staff from Toms that prove you wrong. and yes, I'll admit that I called you an Nvidia fanboy. if there's anything I'm missing, feel free to enlighten me.

otherwise, I propose we end this as this type of arguing is seen all too often around there forums and never reach any reasonable conclusions. if you still feel that I have insulted you, feel free to report me to a mod

FINALLY! This guys has been posting obscure benchmarks all day trying to argue that the 680 is stronger when Tomshardware clearly states it is overall 5-10% weaker than the 7970 GHz.

You guys should really take a long look at your participation in this thread. If you have a problem with TechPowerUp, Anandtech, and Guru3d, three of the absolute top review sites, then that says more about you than it does about me. And if you've never heard of those websites, then you really have no place giving advice on a tech forum.

For the record, I prefer TechPowerUp because they have 19 benchmarks, I started there because I knew that most of the OP's games could be found there in one place (as opposed to the 7 benchmarks on Tom's Hardware). Since Total War was not listed, I went with another respected website that had it. Then, since no one but Guru3d has done a Crysis 3 benchmark, I used that. This defensiveness by you guys has got to stop, it really places you in a bad light and ruins your credibility.

Good point, Mousemonkey.

I am very aware of my participation in this thread. I have no problems with TPU, anandtech, or Guru benchmarks. as I stated earlier in the thread, the only issue I have with matto's logic is the fact that PhyX can be run by the CPU as well, whereas he made it sound like only Nvidia systems would have it. In fact, I have stated repeatedly that the strengths and weaknesses of 7970 vs 680 can be argued, is game dependent, and that PERSONALLY i am a bit biased toward the 7970. My main issue, and I believe CaptainTom's as well, is with Matto's very biased comments toward Nvidia cards, they are not worded in a neutral tone.

Anyway, I have proposed previously to drop the matter and I shall do so here. it is pointless to argue back and forth between AMD and Nvidia for this gen. but yes, Mousemonkey has an excellent point and Latency has been demonstrated to be very important
Look ive owned amd and nvidia cards and have no real preference for either so when i decide which one to get in any particular gen i go by price.There is really no reason to get nvidia this gen simply do to price.Why would anyone want to shell out more money for less performance?GTX 680 is a total waste of money at this point when a 7970 is $60-$100 less and beats the snot out of it especially if both cards are overclocked.The 7950 is the better buy over the gtx 670 for the same reasons as stated above.Im not saying nvidia are bad cards just to overpriced compared to amd cards.I will admitt if i knew for a fact i was going dual cards i might opt for nvidia simply because ie had more issues with crossfire.But single cards this really is a no brainer imo.

Exactly, I am not saying the 680/70 are weak cards, they are just crazy overpriced along with the rest of the 600 series.

Btw, everyone should go look at the crysis 3 benches that were just posted on Tomshardware. Notice that AMD's cards often have LESS latency than other Nvidia cards. Again, AMD has fixed the latency issue.

NOTE: The 650 Ti ties the 7770 and the 670 beats the 680 in a benchmark. I believe the drivers may not be mature enough to quote average framerates yet. Either way the 670/80 and 7950/70 seam to all get the same scores even at low resolutions for some reason...

speaking of those benchmarks, I'm actually rather annoyed that they only included a 690, and no 680 SLI against 7970 xfire...

And I've been going around recommending 7970 and 7950s to people mainly cuz you get over $100 worth of games you will actually want with it 😗

Well yeah the main reason to get these cards are that they are cheaper and come with free games while performing the same.
well of course a 7970 owner is going to recommend a 7970 and a 680 owner will recommend a 680, otherwise you wouldn't have bought those cards respectively for whatever reason you bought them. At this stage i think a SINGLE 7970 ghz edition has the edge between the two when you look at a wide variety of benchmarks, but as has been said no ambient occlusion, poor driver support, no physx put the 680 as a viable option if you can utillise its features.

honestly it depends on the timing. when I bought my 7970 early Feb 2012, when my model first came out. while it's a great card and I love it, it was also the ONLY high end option at the time as Kepler's release date was somewhat uncertain and the 7970 obliterates the 580 (no one can argue there lol).

later, when the 680 came out, they were definitively better for a bit, and when the 670 came out I was pushing that card on these forums like crazy for months (and would've sold my 7970 if I could've for a decent price lol). but then AMD improved their drivers and the whole field evened out. ever since AMD's big gaming bundles came out, I've been recommending the 7970s mainly because even if they perform slightly worse (which is highly arguable), they're effictively over $100 cheaper... and no one can argue with price
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