Game Freeze?



Ohk iv read like a gazillion threads , But every time i start a game it runs smoothly and then freezes and then unfreezes for like half a second and then freezes again an the computer locks up .
I read about the realtek HD Drivers having conflict with my Asus 8600gts so i uninstalled it and put in a new sound card - Sound BLASTER!Live - installed those drivers loaded the game and frozen again.
Ive checked my psu 300W support 12v and stuff got the 6 - pin pcie cable .
Although my motherboard has an ATI chipset could that be the problem?
My specs are :

Processor :Intel Celeron D 3.06 Ghz

Motherboard :RC410-M

HP/Compaq motherboard name: Asterope2-GL8E

512 Mb DDR2 - 400 mhz

80gb 7200 rpm hard drive

Graphics Card: Asus 8600gts - 675mhz core clock -
and Intergrated Graphcis

I have the latest Drivers for My graphcis card Please Comment Im 100% confused .
What game are you talking about ? 512MB of ram isn't enough for today's games, the CPU is on the slow side as well and the GPU is pretty entry level for today's games, so if its something quite new you are playing then the answer is that your PC just isn't up to playing it.

Your first issue will be the Ram, that's probably why its freezing and unfreezing as when the PC runs out of Ram it starts writing to the HD, which is a lot slower that Ram, its called Paging to give it its correct term.
I would look at getting 2GB of Ram if the Mobo will take it, It could well just be a compatibility issue that's giving you problems but 512 really just isn't enough Ram for gaming these days.

What game are you talking about ? 512MB of ram isn't enough for today's games, the CPU is on the slow side as well and the GPU is pretty entry level for today's games, so if its something quite new you are playing then the answer is that your PC just isn't up to playing it.

Your first issue will be the Ram, that's probably why its freezing and unfreezing as when the PC runs out of Ram it starts writing to the HD, which is a lot slower that Ram, its called Paging to give it its correct term.
I would look at getting 2GB of Ram if the Mobo will take it, It could well just be a compatibility issue that's giving you problems but 512 really just isn't enough Ram for gaming these days.
