Game high ping idk where is the problem?


Nov 27, 2013
it is dota 2 game the servers was fine from 4 months untill it like now 350-500 ping and it was 120 all the time
the high ping exist all the day but at 3 am the to 10 ping down to 120
one of the servers

Isp:Te data

so the problem here?


same server
You're getting 700ms to your first hop, the connection to your ISP is bad or you're using wireless and have weak signal. Or someone is running P2P software on your network and flooding your connection.

To make matters worse, further down there is 1% packet-loss that is propagating to all hops after.
This absolutely not related to DNS. He keyed in a actual ip address so no lookup is done. DNS is ONLY used to translate the string of character to a IP address. Even if he had used a name once the translation is done the DNS server is out of the picture.

The actual traffic does not flow though a DNS server.

As stated in the previous posts this is a issue with the connection to the ISP. This is either a lot of errors on the connection to his house, but it is not uncommon to see this type of latency when people are using some form of wireless for the WAN connection. Both satellite and mobile broadband see issues like this.

Cable,Adsl,1MB,100kb DL

No offense but some of what i7Baby is saying is wrong.
700 ping is too high for any adsl speed.

Trace route and ping are your friends here.

If the device you use to connect to the internet has an ip address (like a wireless router), this should be the first address you see. Usually 192.168.x.x, or 10.0.x.x, if the ping to this is high (anything over about 10ms) then you have a problem with the connection to you router. (wireless?)

The next ip you see will normally be your local telephone exchange, if the response time from this is high, and you definatley have no downloads running, then you have a problem with your internet connection.

If the response times are good up to this point your conenction is fine.

If hop 3 is where the times get high, this usually means your ISP is overloaded.

If the hops are good until you get close to the server then the problem is on the server/server isp side.

The results you posted "Cable,Adsl,1MB,100kb DL" are a little unclear, if 100kb is your upload speed then under normal circumstances this will be your bottleneck. What speed are you paying for? It might be this drop in speed that has caused the problem. Make sure you are doing all you can to improve your sync speed. I am not femiliar with egypt telephone wiring, but in the UK we have a test socket which can often get higher speeds, theck this out.

Also make sure traffic coming from your machine, especially outbound is restricted as much as possible because 100kb upload will get used fast. Install a free firewall like comodo.

100 kb download 😀 and yes my router is 192.168 and i use eset smart security 8 with firewall

Hmmm, as long as that is 100Kilobytes per second and not Kilobits then that is ok.

Have you tried the trace route?

how i can?
open command prompt and type "tracert " followed by the name or ip address of the dota server.

Then look at my post 22 April 2015 13:35:26, to understand the results.

or post the results here, but blank out the last digits of the first 2 ip address.