Game lags even with really good parts???


Oct 21, 2012
My specs are as follows

gtx 1060 3 GB
32 GB of RAM
AMD Phenom II x6 1055t
1 TB WD Blue Hard drive

I also noticed that while in game the CPU doesn't even go above 60% usage so what is happening? I'm very confused....
I believe my cpu is bottle necking the gpu because I can't even run games on low settings without experiencing lag and I'm not really sure if this is the case 100% so i need some confirmation before I go out and buy a new CPU and possibly a motherboard.
Yeah but most recent video driver does not necessarily mean best. Sometimes you have to downgrade to get the best optimization which is why I said check the notes of various driver versions and comments on their forum.
Also, this could be a game issue that is fairly common and that's not just limited to you. For example:
that fps&low frame rate sticky at the top definitely warrants in depth reading.
I have several thoughts. First, that is an older setup and you might be having heat issues with the CPU. More so if you are OCing it which you should be. Check the CPU temps and see if that's a problem. Second, not all boards ran that CPU well. What board do you have? Can it's VRMs handle a CPU like that well? You might need to get some system cooling. You might also be expecting too much from the 1060 though I doubt that's the case. Play at 1080, leave the AA at 2x. Better?

Basically check the temps and speeds for everything. Are they good?
The CPU is old, has low clock, poor IPC. Even if it's total usage is slow, it's single-thread performance is low.

Second, the hard drive is slow, but this is less a problem since you have high ram. Most data should be cached, so it's not the problem.

Which game are you playing, and what FPS are you getting? The 1060 isn't exactly a world class GPU either, and it's probably running at pcie 2x or less. You can install GPU-z and look at the speed of the pcie lane, and look what usage levels are.

I think your expectations may be a bit high as I would put the GFX in the average category and the rest of the stuff a bit lower.

1. GTX 1060 is the best thing in the box, perfectly fine for 1080p

2. The HD you can see how it stacks up here:,2915.html

3. The HD you can see how it stacks up here:

The RAM is way more than ya need for gaming

We'd recommend pairing a 1060 w/ a 7500 or 7600k (preferred)

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i5-7600K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor ($221.89 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Scythe - Mugen MAX 97.2 CFM CPU Cooler ($36.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte - GA-Z270XP-SLI ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($118.88 @ OutletPC)
Memory: GeIL - EVO POTENZA 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($139.88 @ OutletPC)
Total: $517.64
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-09-12 23:28 EDT-0400

1. The cooler matched the performance of $90 flagships from Noctua and Cryorig so plenty of room fir overclocking

2. The MoBo comes with Realtek ALC 1220 gaming sound system and Intel GbE LAN chip... something you won't get on cheaper H270 B250 platforms and it lets you do SLI and overclocking and no extra cost.


The temps are where they are supposed to be, regarding the overclocking I only have the stock cooler provided from 2010 so I cannot overclock well enough for it to make a difference. I believe the CPU is throttling when i am trying to play games.

I am trying to play games such as CS:GO, PUBG, and Siege. I have the lowest possible settings on all games and i still lag. PUBG and Siege aren't as surprising as CS:GO as it is not very graphically demanding so I believe my CPU is throttling and it causes a major bottle neck.
It might be an issue with the game itself. If the game is old and meant for a different windows system, and then was sort of ported, it might run, but run really badly, regardless of what components you have. As for newer games, it could be an issue with video drivers. Check nvidia notes on each driver version. They'll mention what game they have optimizations for, and in their forums they'll mention if there's issues reported with that version. Also, could be an issue unrelated to games. How full is your hard drive, since you mention it? Well all of your drives?

The hard drive is brand new and barely full, the game is recent (Player Unknown battlegrounds) and I am up to date on the most recent video driver.
Yeah but most recent video driver does not necessarily mean best. Sometimes you have to downgrade to get the best optimization which is why I said check the notes of various driver versions and comments on their forum.
Also, this could be a game issue that is fairly common and that's not just limited to you. For example:
that fps&low frame rate sticky at the top definitely warrants in depth reading.