games automatically "minimize" or "alt+tab"


Sep 18, 2016
when im in a game, it will start flicker for a sec or two, then just minimize. when I then open the game again..... 2 sec later, same thing. This also happens if I alt+tab out of a game to check skype or smtn like that.

i've scanned with malwarebytes, bitdeffender and some other programs, and it didnt find anything.

btw this is on win10.

does any1 know what is going on? if so plz let me know
Do you have any programs that will start up automatically with windows, also do you have any other active apps going on ?
It sounds like a program maybe taking priority first to keep the focus on itself.
Click on the magnifying icon, type in system configuration and click it when it shows up.
Click on start up and then open task mananger to view it.


ye, I have a lot of programs starting up with windows, and i almost always have skype active. I've tried exiting skype completely, but that dosn't really seem to make any difference.

tbh i dont know shit about software. How do i see which programs are high priority? 😀
I think this will help but any applications using more than 50% of cpu usage needs to be disabled if not in use or uninstall it if its problematic.

This program I've used for years will analyze your system and see what programs need to be disabled and let you choose.

Take a screenshot of your task manager and show me which programs and services maybe running.


I've set all my games to high priority, this seems to work for csgo, but all my other games, still dont work. I've looked trough my task manager, and i dont see anything problematic, but here's a pic


Høj = High
Mellem = Medium
Lav = low