Question Games keep freezing


Dec 23, 2016
Hi everyone,
I experience a lot of temporary freezing and crashing on any game I play. From Magic arena to Cities Skyline and Valheim so I'd say any program that uses my GPU (but obviously since i'm not an IT that could be wrong and any other suggestion could be more appropriate).
Thoose problem begun last January when I decided to upgrade my pc. I switched from an Intel to and AMD ryzen 5 prcessor, so I thought that was the problem.
Last week I did the yearly pc clean up hoping that this problem would go away; long story short it did not.
Actually my specs are:

Mobo: B450 Tomahawk Max (MS-7C0S)
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-core processor
Ram: Crucial Ballistix Sport LT BLS8G4D26BFSE 2666MHz, DDR4, 8GB
SSD: Sandisk SDSSDHII240G (it's the system on)
SSD2: CT480BX300SSD1 (it's the game one)
HDD: WDC WD20EZRZ (that's the back up one)

Since the first thing the always say is to update the bios my driver are:
BIOS: America Megatrends Inc. 3.5
GPU: 465.89

Any advice you could give me could help me a lot.
Have you monitored your resources?
Freezing seems to me that either the CPU or the memory cannot keep up.

Open the task manager performance tab, play the games and watch if there are any resources that take up more then 90%.
When they go above that the system slows down to keep up.
I jsut tried and that's the task manager at the moment of the crash.
Sorry for the external link but that's the only way I found I could upload the image.

Just before that memory was about 50-80% and the GPU was about 50%

Edit: I run a few more test and I saw that I often have the GPU arount full usage, and the memory often between 80% and 99%.
I guess that I could buy some more RAM, and it will certantly ease the work, but i'm almost sure that it won't fix the whole problem.
At the same time I'm kinda baffled because with a much worse processor I never had any of theese problem.

Edit2: I spent the whole afternoon troubleshooting my pc and that's what I get:
1- with any GPU benchmark I have never got any problem. The framerate were bad (and that's not a problem considering my specs), but I never had any freeze.
2- I tried troubleshooting my CPU and sometimes I saw the temperature raising up over 100C. The problem is that when I play it never get over the 60C.
3- I even tried to see if the power supply could be the problem, but the whole consumption never got over 320W which is way below the power of my 600W power supplier.
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