So I decided to do a fresh install of Windows 10 on my pc as it was running a bit slow and now all my games lag severely.
I haven't changed any hardware and all my games ran on ultra
It has nothing to do with the specs of my pc or GPU as I haven't changed them and have been running these games for 6 years with the same set up.
I've done a fresh install of Windows 3 times, I've uninstalled and reinstalled Origins and 2 of the games 5 times.
I have verified all game files 3 times.
ALL my drivers and software are up to date.
My PC is not overheating.
I have defragged both hard drives.
I run everything as an administrator
I do not have nvidia or origins over lay on.
My PC is not dusty.
I have no viruses
Nothing is open in the background and my pc performance is fine.
Yes, I have switched my pc on and off plenty of times since then.
Yes it is using my graphics card and not the on board graphics.
Please help cause I'm stumped?
I haven't changed any hardware and all my games ran on ultra
It has nothing to do with the specs of my pc or GPU as I haven't changed them and have been running these games for 6 years with the same set up.
I've done a fresh install of Windows 3 times, I've uninstalled and reinstalled Origins and 2 of the games 5 times.
I have verified all game files 3 times.
ALL my drivers and software are up to date.
My PC is not overheating.
I have defragged both hard drives.
I run everything as an administrator
I do not have nvidia or origins over lay on.
My PC is not dusty.
I have no viruses
Nothing is open in the background and my pc performance is fine.
Yes, I have switched my pc on and off plenty of times since then.
Yes it is using my graphics card and not the on board graphics.
Please help cause I'm stumped?