Hello everybody. I have looked around on these forums and I have seen very similar questions to what I am asking but none of them have given me a solution so I figured I'd ask the question with my specs. I was running my pc with an extemely low-end cpu which was bottlenecking my gpu that I upgraded. With my old set up, I could run every game at 60fps (PUBG, RB6, ROE, OW, etc). I recently wanted to upgrade my cpu to remove the bottleneck and get the maximum performance out of my gpu (GTX 1060gb) so I went out and bought a Ryzen 5 2600, a micro-atx board that fit the cpu, and 8gb DDR4 since I was running 16gb of DDR3 on my old set-up and new motherboards sadly don't take DDR3. My psu is a 700W which has never given me any problems at all. Before, I was getting the blue screen saying that Windows had found an error which I found out was due to AOD. After talking to Microsoft Tech. Support for several hours trying to troubleshoot, I ended up doing a complete install of Windows 10 Pro with the disk from boot and I currently can run my computer as a productive pc but when I go into a game (OW or Fortnite), my frames drop from 60fps to 4fps which has resulted in a completely unplayable gaming rig. The only thing that leaves me wondering is the fact that I can run CSGO fine, it just takes a little longer to load into the game. My computer was default set to balanced power use with Windows and my temperatures are fine (<40C). My CPU runs stock at 3400mhz and my ram runs stock at 2400mhz.