Hey guys,
I'm new to Tom's but I've seen nothing but a fantastic community. Well let's get started, I have completed my computer build running this: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/cmckay2014/saved/tprWGX
(I know my power supply is overkill)
This is my first build in a very long time after catastrophic failure of my old build due to house flooding :[
As you can see I've whittled it down to just options for monitors. I really cannot find what best fits my needs/ wants for my build. As a casual FPS player the refresh rates don't need to be in the 120s, but I am an avid RPG player and like to invest a lot of time in Skyrim specifically. In your opinion what monitor can best fit my build and play style? Also, how do refresh rates affect my gpu's ability to produce 60+ framerates?
I'm getting lost in all this research of finding "input lag this, and response time that" what does it all really mean and what should I really be placing value on?
In the end my goal is to run my RPG type games like Skyrim, Witcher 3 etc at 1440p with a nice high framerate and have the best visual experience paired with smooth gameplay.
Thanks guys!
I'm new to Tom's but I've seen nothing but a fantastic community. Well let's get started, I have completed my computer build running this: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/cmckay2014/saved/tprWGX
(I know my power supply is overkill)
This is my first build in a very long time after catastrophic failure of my old build due to house flooding :[
As you can see I've whittled it down to just options for monitors. I really cannot find what best fits my needs/ wants for my build. As a casual FPS player the refresh rates don't need to be in the 120s, but I am an avid RPG player and like to invest a lot of time in Skyrim specifically. In your opinion what monitor can best fit my build and play style? Also, how do refresh rates affect my gpu's ability to produce 60+ framerates?
I'm getting lost in all this research of finding "input lag this, and response time that" what does it all really mean and what should I really be placing value on?
In the end my goal is to run my RPG type games like Skyrim, Witcher 3 etc at 1440p with a nice high framerate and have the best visual experience paired with smooth gameplay.
Thanks guys!