Gaming laptop under 1350$


Jan 4, 2016
Hello everyone , i am a gamer looking to buy a gaming laptop , i am currently trying to sell my desktop to have enough money , i need my laptop for work too so there no option but to get a laptop . I am familiar with technology so my issue here isnt trying to find the right laptop , actually it is finding one able to do what i want and under 1350$( i cant pay more ) . I mostly play open world games (gta , assassin creed ...) but i also play shooter and all kind of games . I dont really care about the difference between ultra and high as long i am getting a decent fps.
But i want my laptop to be able to run games for a couples of years just like a console . And there is no way i am getting a laptop like that under 1300$ but i am asking maybe someone know a laptop with those capalities and price . And dont please tell me go get yourself a console , i wont because i dont pay for games i download pirated versions of the games and if i enjoy singleplayer mode of a game i go get an original one
Ps i live in lebanon , not all laptops are available here .