Gaming Maching Compatibility


Dec 28, 2005
I am looking in to building a gaming computer. This being my first computer I have ever built I am worried about compatibility issues. I have picked out most of the hardware I will be buying (money is a issue). I was just wondering if I could get some feed back to tell me if all of this would run smoothly together.


Video Card

Hard Drive


Power Supply


Thanks you again for any information.
Yep, looks like everything fits. However, I would advise you to check out Newegg or some other stores. I use to think Tigerdirect was like the best place for PC parts, but Newegg has really taken over. I mean for the price of that video card, you could get a 6600GT on Newegg. And if you're one of those guys that think video memory size is most important (you're getting a card with 512MB video memory), do some more research before you buy. I use to be a very n00bish n00b, but just reading articles and looking around forums opens your eyes to a ton of stuff you didn't know. Hope this helps.
I was going for 512MB Video Memory because I was looking in to playing some of the more demanding games like half life 2, although I want a system where I can upgrade easily in the future. I was kind of hoping to order this stuff with in the week.

Thank you for the advice. sorry to be such a noob
The vanilla 6600 cant really use all of 256 megs, so 512 is a waste.
Newegg has some x800gto cards for under $200. That would be a much better choice.
You could save some of the price difference, and get a faster, cooler chip, by going to an Amd setup.
An Asus A8R-MVP would be a good start, with an A64 3200.
You will have to get more ram than just 512MB of ram, though if you want to play new games.
That's ok. I was also a n00b (maybe I still am) not too long ago. Anyways, listen to endyen as he is very knowledgeable. I agree with the AMD setup and the RAM. What's your budget? Maybe we could get a better idea of what parts to recommend if we knew how much you could spend.