Question Gaming monitors lag with Xbox X

Aug 4, 2019
Hopefully someone here can help me with this before it does my head in. So recently bought a Samsung HG70 monitor primarily to use with Xbox one X. I mostly play black ops 4 and almost exclusively blackout. As soon as I started a game I noticed lag, and lots of it. Tried every setting on the monitor and every setting on the Xbox. Beefed my internet up to 150/150, tried different HDMI cords, different Ethernet cords, you name it I probably tried it. No change after all that, so returned the monitor and bought a Asus VG245H, it arrived yesterday and same dam problem. I’m at a complete loss as what to do now. I’ve tried using the Xbox on a TV and it runs fine, no lag, even with a wireless connection. So not hardware or internet. If anyone has ANY idea why this is happening or has ANY suggestions on fixing this I would be forever grateful. I’ve been reading about electronic interference on this forum but it seems unlikely and usually dosent present with lag. Any with any ideas I’m all ears, TIA.


Mar 10, 2019
Please explain what you mean by "lag". Is the screen tearing? Is the console dropping frames? If either of these is what you mean by "lag", you should ensure that V-Sync is turned off in all settings. If that doesn't work, try manually setting your monitor's refresh rate to 60hz or 144hz (depending on what its advertised setting is). I believe the X has a max FPS of 120 or 144, so you may be seeing some stuttering because you are rendering more frames than can be output to your display at 60hz.

Edit: The refresh rate on the VG245H seems to be 75hz, so try that as well.
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Aug 4, 2019
I’ll have to see if the Asus has V-sync and if it can be turned off. It looks like a slow internet lag.. not really tearing just like the screen can’t keep up with what the Xbox is putting out. The Samsung was 144hz and that one was maybe a little worse. Also I believe black ops 4 does run at 120hz and I tried basically every combo of settings for the Samsung. Could you go into detail about what V-sync actually is? I definitely think the Samsung has it. Thanks for the response.

Edit: All I’m seeing on the Asus is freesync/adaptive sync, is that v-sync? I know the Samsung has freesync which had no effect on gameplay.
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Mar 10, 2019
Make sure you turn off both Freesync and Adaptive sync, what V-Sync does is basically cut your monitor's refresh rate to equal your framerate, therefore reducing screen tearing. The problem with it is that it A: Introduces input lag and B: Lowers FPS. Freesync is AMD's monitor-side V-Sync.
Aug 4, 2019
I’ll have to see if the Asus has V-sync and if it can be turned off. It looks like a slow internet lag.. not really tearing just like the screen can’t keep up with what the Xbox is putting out. The Samsung was 144hz and that one was maybe a little worse. Also I believe black ops 4 does run at 120hz and I tried basically every combo of settings for the Samsung. Could you go into detail about what V-sync actually is? I definitely think the Samsung has it. Thanks for the response.
Make sure you turn off both Freesync and Adaptive sync, what V-Sync does is basically cut your monitor's refresh rate to equal your framerate, therefore reducing screen tearing. The problem with it is that it A: Introduces input lag and B: Lowers FPS. Freesync is AMD's monitor-side V-Sync.

Yea I’ve definitely done that on the Samsung, tried it off/on at every hz option..
Nov 28, 2019
Hey, did you ever figure out how to fix this problem? I just got an ASUS vg245h, hooked up to Xbox one and I’m having the same issues on cod mw. Looks like really bad internet lag.