[SOLVED] gaming on ryzen 3 2200g/ryzen 5 2400g worth it until upgrade?

Jan 21, 2019
hi! i'm thinking of builfing myself a student-budget pc

(here's the partpicker's list :
https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xRdtFt )

for now i'm thinking of gaming on the vega graphics and eventually upgrading with a graphics card eventually when my gf and/or budget permits it.

on top of that, since i'm living in a small space with my gf i can't use a big-ass monitor so i was thinking of buying a portable monitor (like one of these : https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00CMKOVMO/?coliid=IFGX173NSVCYO&colid=2DZCSLEQSTU9K&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it )

so i was wondering about the internet's opinion and advice on my potential project, my ideal budget limit is 400$, 450$ (like it is now) is the absolute limit

thanks for the help in advance!

EDIT : i cheked around a bit and im wondering, is the ryzen 5 2400g a good upgrade? i checked a few videos of gaming on vega rx 11 and it looks to me like it can handle most games at low settings. assuming i eventually get a graphics card would it be more worth to get that APU considering some kind of "future-proofing"?
also thanks the for comments
If you need a PC instead of a gaming console then sure, that would work pretty well since that monitor is only 768p. I would recommend buying 2x4GB so you can utilize dual-channel memory for better performance. You can always sell that when you want to upgrade to 2x8GB. Plus, trying to add other sticks not bought in a kit won't always work.
If you need a PC instead of a gaming console then sure, that would work pretty well since that monitor is only 768p. I would recommend buying 2x4GB so you can utilize dual-channel memory for better performance. You can always sell that when you want to upgrade to 2x8GB. Plus, trying to add other sticks not bought in a kit won't always work.
I think You really should see if you can swing a 22 inch monitor and a wall mount, they're cheaper and better. If you're already using a desktop case (even a small one) the monitor itself is only 6 inches wider. The integrated graphics are plenty to play basic games on, or even fortnite on lowest graphics settings will work.

Otherwise I don't see any problem with the build. Yeah that display lines up with what the integrated graphics will support for medium settings.

well the intend of the machine is to replace my ps4, i'd sell it to gain part of the budget for this build

we have a projector in the room, its the screen for media consumption and my ps4, the intent was to sell my ps4 and plug the mini itx to the projector but use a tiny screen when my gf want to use her apple tv, that's why i chose a tiny ass screen, she doesn't want another screen in the room