Gaming PC Build


May 8, 2015
Hello guys,

I'm trying to set up my first gaming build and want to know what you think about it and where you see better options. I'm glad about any helpful suggestions and comments.

First of all let s talk about my budget. 1000 to 1500 CHF. That s about 700 to 1000£
Usage: As mentioned in the title it is mostly used for gaming purposes.
Overlocking is a secundary goal which should be possible but not at the high-end standard at all. The concept behind the whole system is that all which is there should be of top quality long durable and of course in use. A Third goal would be to keep the system as quiet as possible but that is only a minor point.

Corsair Carbide 300R, (sustains one of the best air-flows avaible)

2x BeQuiet! Silent Wings 2 (140mm),
(one on the front and one on the top to support the air-flow and keep a slight overpressure in the case)

BeQuiet! Pure Rock,
(silent, cheap and keeps the CPU cool even with slight overlocking)

Before we get to the heart of the build,
Power Supply:
Corsair RM650,
(I thought about a 750W but since it looks like we won't get higher demands of power in future I can easily stick with the 650W)

I5 4690K (i guess that was predictable 😉

Corsair Vengeance 2x4GB DDR3-1866

Samsung 850 EVO Basic (500GB),
(i dont go for a HDD since i dont have so much video or music data which could be storaged there)

You might think I have to go for the GTX 970 of Gigabyte but i prefer to stick with the Zotac GTX 970 AMP! Omega Core Edition. Why? I don't go for
Graphiccards only because they have better performance in high-end overlocking. I prefer one which is stable and also long durable which I think Zotac will deliver me. But if you think you can convince me of an other, try!

Asus Z97 Pro Gamer,
(very good performance, a good internet adapter, short: has everything i need and nothing more)

And last and least:
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24F1ST, (i don t need Blu-ray)

Thank you for taking the time and reading all of this and if you have any advice, please let me know!

That's an excellent PSU and I think you'll be very happy with that decision.
That sounds like a good build all around, except for the power supply. The Corsair series from Channel Well is mediocre, and will probably hamper your overclock success. It's not the worst (better than CX series), but it could be better. Think Seasonic, XFX, EVGA GS/B2/G2. 550w is enough for that build if you don't plan on doing SLI in the future.

I like the Corsair 300 case a lot as well.
Wow that was a quick answer! Thank you for the input timeconsumer. I think i ll take the Seasonic X-650 because maybe i ll go for SLI in future and a little bit more power can't be bad anyway.

A 650w can power dual GTX 970s safely. But for a guy like me, I like just a touch more overhead available and would go for a 750w like an EVGA G2. But the Seasonic unit having 54A available for the 12v rail is pretty solid.
After some research I think the Seasonic X-750 is the best solution for my build. And I prefer the more expensive version (Seasonic) over the cheap one (XFX) even it s only the support and warranty which makes the difference. I think if the PSU works 7 years without any issues it s worth it s cost. Thank you timeconsumer for the help!

That's an excellent PSU and I think you'll be very happy with that decision.