I was looking to buy a gaming pc off craigslist, and I came upon a guy willing to sell me his pc for $900. Here's the parts:
Corsair 600t White Mid Tower Case
2x 660TI SLI
NZXT 750 Watt Modular
Corsair 240GB SSD
1 TB Western Digital Black
16 GB DDR3
Asus p8z77-le plus motherboard
Intel i7 3770k OC'd to 4.7 ghz
Corsair h80 CPU Coller
And he even included a youtube video showing the PC
The parts total in about $1700, is this possibly a scam? Because it seems too good to be true?
Or maybe I should just try to buy this? http://sacramento.craigslist.org/sys/4288713873.html
It's in my budget but the parts are valued lower, so it doesn't seem like a scam.
Corsair 600t White Mid Tower Case
2x 660TI SLI
NZXT 750 Watt Modular
Corsair 240GB SSD
1 TB Western Digital Black
16 GB DDR3
Asus p8z77-le plus motherboard
Intel i7 3770k OC'd to 4.7 ghz
Corsair h80 CPU Coller
And he even included a youtube video showing the PC
The parts total in about $1700, is this possibly a scam? Because it seems too good to be true?
Or maybe I should just try to buy this? http://sacramento.craigslist.org/sys/4288713873.html
It's in my budget but the parts are valued lower, so it doesn't seem like a scam.