Gaming PC off Craigslist, too good to be true?


Jan 16, 2014
I was looking to buy a gaming pc off craigslist, and I came upon a guy willing to sell me his pc for $900. Here's the parts:
Corsair 600t White Mid Tower Case
2x 660TI SLI
NZXT 750 Watt Modular
Corsair 240GB SSD
1 TB Western Digital Black
16 GB DDR3
Asus p8z77-le plus motherboard
Intel i7 3770k OC'd to 4.7 ghz
Corsair h80 CPU Coller

And he even included a youtube video showing the PC

The parts total in about $1700, is this possibly a scam? Because it seems too good to be true?

Or maybe I should just try to buy this?
It's in my budget but the parts are valued lower, so it doesn't seem like a scam.
I probably wouldn't charge more than $20 just to make sure everything is on the up and up. He really wouldn't be doing much other than verifying hardware and the boot process. Not to mention that he also provides a level of personal security for you. You're less likely to get robbed in a public place.

-Wolf sends
Either the seller is desperate or it's a scam. What I'd do, if I were interested would be to ask the seller to meet you at a local computer shop so you can not only see the system working for yourself, but also have the computer tech review the system as well.

-Wolf sends

I live in Sacramento, would bringing it to a local computer shop cost money?

Ok thanks, in the case that option one sells before I buy it, how much should I try to pay for the second option? Not sure how much is too much to pay for a used system of that caliber

He might. He might not. A lot of times with just a local PC shop, it's up to who's working and whether or not he wants to.

-Wolf sends

If he does charge me, do you have an educated guess as to how much it would cost?
I probably wouldn't charge more than $20 just to make sure everything is on the up and up. He really wouldn't be doing much other than verifying hardware and the boot process. Not to mention that he also provides a level of personal security for you. You're less likely to get robbed in a public place.

-Wolf sends

Got it, thanks for the tip :)