I am currently facing a dilemma. I'm looking to upgrade my pc but can only afford to upgrade either my ram or my CPU. My current specs are the following: R3 1200, MSI B350M Gaming Pro motherboard, 8 Gigs (2x4) of ddr4-2666 ram, and a 500W EVGA power supply. The possible upgrades I'm looking for are either the R5 2600 or a totally new kit of 16GB 3000Mhz RAM. (I can't buy another 8 gig kit because I stupidly bought a motherboard with only two RAM slots). My main use of the upgrade would be to play games such as Fortnite, CS:GO, Black Ops 4, and a few other random games.
Do you guys have any advice on what I should do? Thanks.
Do you guys have any advice on what I should do? Thanks.