gaming problem !

Mesut Ozil

Jun 20, 2015
i just purchased the gigabyte geforce gtx 980 ti g1 gaming beast even with that some games lags for a part of a second from time to time like farcry 4 and gta v and call of duty :aw stutteres alot when using supersampling 16x
my pc preferences
i have a
cpu :intel i5-3450 3.1 ghz 6mb cache
graphics card : gigabyte geforce gtx 980ti g1
mother : maximus v gene
ram : 8gb kingston 1333hz
psu : seasonic m12ii evo edition
I doubt it's from the card. Your PSU is strong enough to support everything. The i5 is still a fairly strong processor, but I think the task you're trying to push onti is more than it can handle. Sure your GPU handles a lot of the stuff, but i think that i5 you have is not strong enough to keep up with the GPU, thus creating a slight bottleneck. Easiest way to confirm is to check GPU usage and the CPU usage and see which one is working harder.
GTX980Ti according to nVidia should require 600W PSU as minimum.
In the real life, you 550W should already do the job.
520W, even for your is a bit tight.
The card alone should consume around 250W, then come the rest of the rig.
I see a little gambling here. It could work tho'.

seasonic m12ii 7500w bronze evo edition
i though so too but it's not from the card right ?!!

i have a seasonic m12ii 7500w bronze evo edition sorry i didn't explain well it's not the psu problem
I doubt it's from the card. Your PSU is strong enough to support everything. The i5 is still a fairly strong processor, but I think the task you're trying to push onti is more than it can handle. Sure your GPU handles a lot of the stuff, but i think that i5 you have is not strong enough to keep up with the GPU, thus creating a slight bottleneck. Easiest way to confirm is to check GPU usage and the CPU usage and see which one is working harder.