gaming rig for 30000 INR


Dec 13, 2013
Hey i m a new comer want to build a gaming rig for around 30000 INR. Help me..will play all d latest games like nfs rivals, cod ghosts at medium to high procesotlr is not require monitor, speaker, psu, keyboard nd mouse and need a cool cabinet.Till now i have decided d following

Intel i5 4440 LGA1150 rs 13000
Intel mobo DH87RL rs 7300
Asus ddr3 graphics card 2GB rs3600
RAM 4GB corsair vengeance rs 2800
HDD WD 1TB Black rs4600

Total 31300

Can stretch my budget to 33000 max

Any extra parts required? Pls help..
thank u!
MSI B75MA P45 rs.4508
I3 3320 3.3 ghz rs.7470
2 (Kingston hyper x blu 4gb dd3 1600 mhz rs.4700)
Zotac nvidia 650 ti boost 2 gb 12600
Cooler master 450watt psi vvv.very imp 2600

Total 31878 if u have extra money u can buy 2(2gb hyper x same ram) this is the best rig u can get and these all are 110 percent balanced and compatible and believe me u can play crysis 3 at everything maxed out except 2AA and FXAA at below 1600.900 resolution and I research a lot non this rig cause I have it....I hope u will get ur answer, no way for i5 until u buy 3470 model and all these price are from flipkart. -Hurrrry they keep changing there price... These prices are lowest on flipkart today and at least buy that gpu I mentioned above its price was...
If you want your PC to last for years then you have to raise your fund. Search this components on retail shops or online.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (£163.19 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard (£94.67 @ Dabs)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (£38.12 @ CCL Computers)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£42.00 @ Amazon UK)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2GB Video Card (£130.46 @ PC World Business)
Case: Corsair 400R ATX Mid Tower Case (£86.60 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £555.04
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-12-13 19:38 GMT+0000)
In india all dis stuff is too expensive as it is all imported which depends on d dollar rate in india. Which has gone up now..d intel 3570k wil cost me d same as 4440 n pls suggest me something more economic nd better
Thnx man bt can an i5 be managed cutting somwat on d graphic? ddr3 2gb wont be enough For d settings? Nd i want a case too. And does haswell i5 differ in performance frm 3rd gen? Will d 3rd gen be future proof?

DDR3 gpu is crap and 2GB is marketing crap
If u want future proof try getting this

Here is the case
MSI B75MA P45 rs.4508
I3 3320 3.3 ghz rs.7470
2 (Kingston hyper x 4gb dd3 1600 mhz rs.4700)
Zotac nvidia 650 ti boost 2 gb 12600
Cooler master 450watt psi vvv.very imp 2600

Total 31878 if u have extra money u can buy 2(2gb hyper x same ram
MSI B75MA P45 rs.4508
I3 3320 3.3 ghz rs.7470
2 (Kingston hyper x blu 4gb dd3 1600 mhz rs.4700)
Zotac nvidia 650 ti boost 2 gb 12600
Cooler master 450watt psi vvv.very imp 2600

Total 31878 if u have extra money u can buy 2(2gb hyper x same ram) this is the best rig u can get and these all are 110 percent balanced and compatible and believe me u can play crysis 3 at everything maxed out except 2AA and FXAA at below 1600.900 resolution and I research a lot non this rig cause I have it....I hope u will get ur answer, no way for i5 until u buy 3470 model and all these price are from flipkart. -Hurrrry they keep changing there price... These prices are lowest on flipkart today and at least buy that gpu I mentioned above its price was 14500 a week before and now 12600 so hurry unless the price can hikes again....
And same hdd and don't buy corsair ram they rs 800 costly in india and bad ram too unless u of it .Kingston is the best ram and looks supersexy too and remember to buy the best becoz these r the things u only invest once in a decade so go with my rig I mentioned above.....
No problem with that psu I mentioned its gud read the reviews in flipkart and this i3 3320 processor has hyper threading function and 2 cores and 4 threads. Means this processor works like quad core and it's Windows experience index rating is 7.2 and that of i5 3570k is 7.6 so no such diff. Since only few apps and few games use more than 3 cores though they can also run on 2 cores with no problems so u r gud to go
If u r on low budget don't buy 2 ram just one can do it it's work greatly and when u have money buy another and then my rig's budget is 33728 including 1 th hdd that cost u around 4200 ......but buy one Kingston hyper x 4 gb ram though it will run on single channel but when u add another then see the boost in dual channel and I forgot that msi. Board on flipkart was listed rs 4698 but the mrp written on the box was 4508 so u will get ur 190rs extra back as wallet balance which u can use to buy other things ...and u can use it as a main balance for reducing the price ...