Gamma hangover


Aug 10, 2003
I'm {NAAP}XBarbarian , currently SOF2 junkie, host a server...BPFO2

ANyways, new 9800pro, love it. One weird thing, same would happen with old card, GEForce2 mx400...when I leave SOF2 MP, a GL game I think, as opposed to desktop, web pages etc..seem to remain in a HI gamma state, and only resolve if I re boot

m7ncd-pro biostar (nforce2 ultra chip)
2500+, 2x512 333ddr (in dual mode)2.5-2-2-6 (turbo) no OC atm, 333fsb
ATI 9800 pro
2x maxtor 40Gb 7200's, ata133

any ay to fix that?..or just reboot? I tried toggling the desktop res post-gaming, no change...white out 🙁

Centralization <b><i>ISN'T</i></b> the answer, it's the <b>PROBLEM!</b>
doesn't anyone else experience this?

Come out of your game, where you had the gamma jacked up (brightness), and have the screen - all, desktop, browswrer pages, etc, - remain like its on Hi gamma too?

Think its monitor, or video related?

Centralization <b><i>ISN'T</i></b> the answer, it's the <b>PROBLEM!</b>
Probably the Biostar Mobo....I hate those things. I've had nothing but trouble with them from day one. Of course, I'm being lame...It's gotta be the driver. I found my refresh rate would drop beneath that of my monitor default setting when I went into games. I got a refresh rate locker to lock the refresh rates in for games and my desktop. So, that helped solve my gamma problem. It came packaged with my Omegadrivers....I didn't like the drivers but I kept the refresh locker. If you want to, I'd try removing your drivers and installing some new ones. Try <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
<font color=blue>I don't have to be careful! I have a gun!</font color=blue>
<font color=green>Homer Simpson</font color=green>

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by TKS on 08/15/03 06:48 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Instead of trying to change the desktop res go into advanced settings-->color. Click on default gamma. See if that fixes it.

Not a real fix but better than rebooting.

<b>56K, slow and steady does not win the race on internet!</b>
thast maybe the deal..the default gama i stated, maybe not clearly enough, I had the same problem with my previous setup...gigabyte GA 7vrxp, GEForce2 mx400, so it was with nvidia and diff mobo too.

Ill try the gamma toggle

Centralization <b><i>ISN'T</i></b> the answer, it's the <b>PROBLEM!</b>
It's not a regular thing with me but sometimes games leave the desktop in the wrong resolution, or with a messed up pallete, or the wrong color depth. The gamma reset usually works.

If that doesn't work I just log off current user which faster than rebooting.

<b>56K, slow and steady does not win the race on internet!</b>
Had this problem once or twice on my system in UT2003, if it crashes instead of closing properly.

Solution for me was through PowerStrip (which you should have installed :wink: ), right click the systray icon, go to Color Profiles, then Configure. Move the Gamma slider a little in either direction then back to the default setting of 1.0. It "remembers" the normal gamma then.

Hope that helps you.. it worked for me :smile:
