[citation][nom]cold fire[/nom]I'm a PC gamer~~ Guess what? I love Windows 8 and I don't feel a need to go back to 7. To each their own and all but the hate bandwagon is getting really old[/citation] To each their own
Coldfire. Good for you, that Win8 works for you. Its an ugly POS product that isn't worth using. Its badly designed, no visual clues, stupid HIDDEN buttons designed by retarded committee in which the Head of that department has recently been **gasp** fired. Its annoying to have people LIKE you dictate that our hatred is not allowed. Considering that the only choice for an OS for a PC-builder/gamer is the Windows platform... its a MAJOR problem. Unless or until Linux takes over.
[citation][nom]cold fire[/nom]"Here's the problem with the hate(rs), and the so-called "experts", they treat the modern UI as if it was the whole OS and not just a glorified start menu and a complementary new ecosystem.~~ Actually, the start screen should help you have a clean desktop.[/citation] The BS reason that MS removed the Start Menu was because "nobody was using it" - yeah, most of us simply pinned our most used programs - but for everything else - its at a singe location. And so MS stupidly takes a "rarely used" function and blows it up to a FULL-SCREEN rarely used function... so what the F?!
The Start Screen with its live tiles *IS USELESS* by design. If you spend all of your time on the desktop, then its ugly live-tiles are meaningless. Also MS went out of their way to make the DESKTOP mode ugly.
The IDEA of having Metro running on different form factors (Desktop/tablet/phone) is kind of good. I see good reasons for it. If done right.... until I used Win8, I thought it would be great. After 15 minutes, I started to HATE Win8. Metro should have run ontop of the desktop and metro apps should interact with the OS like normal Windows Apps. Not the ugly fullscreen garbage we have today. IE10 is designed like garbage. the whole Metro interface is badly designed for the desktop. its designed for touch.... yes... I know, cause using Win8 on my Thinkpad would at times make me reach for something.
The thing that people, especially power-users should keep in mind is that MS is going full steam ahead with replacing the WindowsOS with Metro. Windows9 will be less windows... if at all.
[citation][nom]cold fire[/nom]If you consider yourself a power user, you really shouldn't complain and say the OS isn't intuitive or hard to use because it doesn't have the traditional start menu. First, you of all people and as a power user should know how to adapt to slightly different interfaces. And if you don't like change, again, as a power user you should have no problem modifying the OS to work the way you want. I'm pretty sure you do know how to google/bing "ClassicShell" or any alternatives."[/citation] There is no problems adapting to anything. Many of us use Windows, Android and iOS device... such as myself as does my son. They work differently and generally easy to figure out.
The problem with Win8 is that its BADLY DESIGNED CRAP. So you argument about not being able to use Metro is false. Hell, I used to run Metro UI on my Android 2.x phone until I got a new Android 4.1 phone. Love the new Android 4.x that I didn't need Metro anymore.
Again, why should I or anyone else have to fix the OS out of the box? This isn't the same as downloading Opera or Chrome to over-ride IE. We're talking about interacting with the OS itself.
A sign of complete stupidity is that "we removed the Start button" - when in fact, they DID NOT... they just removed the ball icon, made it into a 1x1 pixel that you have to hunt... and use correctly. Gee, for a TOUCH device, how are you supposed to do that? Oh yeah, use the keyboard! great! The Charms are stupid, the task-switchers aren't cross-mode compatible, is what you need on Metro or on the desktop? Where are the status icons on Metro when you need them... the list goes on and on. Want to access the tabs on IE10 in metro? You have to right-click on the top to make it show up... like someone with a 24" screen needs to go through the extra clicks for that? Gee, even on my iPad or Android phone, my Opera tabs are easy to spot and use. Yet for a desktop OS, MS thought it best to hide tabs.
Windows 8 is broken garbage and the best way to make sure that MS knows HOW we feel is to NOT BUY it.... to kill it.
Microsoft knows that Win8 is garbage. They sold it cheap for $40 for the first 3 months. There is NOT AS SINGLE major OS review of Windows8 on any tech site that matters. Tomshardware or Anandtech - as MS can prevent or allow such reviews.
I like this article about Win8 "8 Things We Hate About Windows 8"
This includes the constant ADS to buy crap from the MS store when you view your own PICS, your own videos or listen to your own music... Perhaps MS should make Windows8 free... even at that price, its NOT WORTH IT TO ME to install it on any of my computers.