Gateway Computers

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I have been fighting with Gateway for the past year and they refuse to honor the 3 year on-site service plan that was paid for and there tech support is the worst I have ever seen. The tech support manager I spoke to has ZERO technical knowledge (by her own admission) and knows next to nothing about software. Also the tech's I have spoken to have only minimal knowledge of hardware and NONE have an A+, or MCSE/MCSD certification. If anyone would like a copy of the e-mail transcript just let me know and I will supply it to whoever would like to see just how bad they are.
Yeah post it - seriously people should be informed if they are going to be spending serious money on an investment - it's the behind the scenes things that no one knows about.

<font color=purple><b>Techie2001</font color=purple></b>
<i>(Crazy Alien)</i>
If it ain't broke, Don't fix it. :wink:
A+, MCSE... they don't mean a damn thing. All it means is that you can read, memorize and regurgitate answers on a sheet of paper. I have a friend of a friend that's MCSE and he has to ask ME for help sometimes... all I have is my A+. There is no better teacher than experience. I've been fixing computers for 7 years now, and I'll tell you... you won't find most of the solutions in a MCSE textbook...

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>
Simply because Compaq and a few other companies made it a requirement for me to service their computers. I didn't have to take an A+ exam to know what I was doing, but apparently it makes them feel better. I could have written that stupid exam when I was 15 years old... but would it have made me a better tech? No... no piece of paper will ever replace experience in the field. Trust me... it's possible to pass every exam and still come out looking like you know nothing (do we need to mention the school system?). Life isn't written out in a textbook, it's experienced.

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>
Any decent tech can walk in to the A+ and pass it. But if you don't have it how do they know? Sure some people will hire you without it but it's better to just go ahead and get it. It's pretty easy.

<b><font color=green>Lizards</b></font color=green> for <b>THGC</b> Mascot!!!
Yes, it is easy, which is part of the point I'm trying to make. All I was saying is that yes, the piece of paper is important, but that piece of paper does not mean the tech is knowledgable. I'm sure a lot of the techs on these support lines are A+ certified, and yet there is still a high frustration level with some of the tech support lines out there. Some people feel that these guys really don't know what they're talking about. Having the paper means you know something, but it doesn't mean you know everything. I learn new things almost on a daily basis. I do agree that getting certified increases your chances for employment; however it won't help solve every problem you're going to face. Trust me, I speak from experience. I was working as a tech for 3 years before I became A+, and taking the test didn't teach me anything new.

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>
I know. I just wanted to make a point and say that it does mean something. It may not mean a whole lot but it does mean that you have successfully passed the test. Which in most cases, but not all, means that you know what you are doing. If you can't pass the test then do you really know as much as you think? I just wanted to encourage people to take those test. The more people that have that certification, the better chance that they will require a new one that is more strenuous.

<b><font color=green>Lizards</b></font color=green> for <b>THGC</b> Mascot!!!
Point taken. I completely understand where you're coming from. I've known some very knowledgeable people who haven't taken their A+, and I've known some blathering idiots who have. It's interesting sometimes, to say the least. The MCSE I mentioned in my earlier post is able to quote you anything out of the textbook or on the test... but was completely baffled on how to do some of the simplest of driver updates. The tech I work with is not MCSE, yet he knows a lot more than I do about networking.. and probably a lot more than the guy who IS MCSE.

I understand your point completely... and thank you for the lively discussion.

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>
I own one of these and its decent when it runs but honestly I have seen core 2 duo systems running windows XP that were faster than this. Vista 64 and this system are poorly made and so there is no noticeable performance gain. The biggest problem is the computer starts falling apart within a few weeks of ownership. I think after spending $1000 for this computer its not going to make it much past 1-2 years of life and then warranty will be expired already! Things that broke on this computer or never worked include: NVIDIA Tv Tuner (cannot tune comcast digital or analog channels - nothing), 15-in-1 media card reader broke after 3-4 months of use (now have to use USB cable and external card reader), computer rebooting and shutting down frequently as if on autopilot!) I noticed this problem within a couple months of ownership but recently has gotten so frequent that I cannot run the computer for more than 5 minutes without a crash! It shuts down completely without warning and there is no information logged in any of windows event logs whatsoever, so you are left on your own to figure this out. Gateway support is the worst and I would say its non-existent since they don't know anything and do not have any real solutions except they tell you to do a complete system restore using the gateway restore disk (you wipe your entire drive contents and personal settings!) "Level 2 Tech Support" is $80 for 1st 30 minutes! I WILL NEVER BUY GATEWAY AGA
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