Gateway takes me to my Arris Box instead of my Netgear wireless router


Jun 28, 2013
So I have a ARRIS box from time warner which takes the internet signal and then I have a wire going from the ARRIS into the Netgear wireless router. When I go to my default gateway it takes me to this

when I want this so I can change my wireless internet name and password


I will give any info you ask so please dont be afraid to!

You have a netgear DSL modem connected to a cable device, this is not what you think you have, you are not running a router off a cable modem, and it appears the cable modem is a all in one, it has a wireless link near the top.

The best you can hope is run the arris modem to the netgear Ethernet ports and use it as a switch and access point, but it will never be the router, it requires telco input becasue its a DSL combo unit. DSL = twisted pair phone wires, not coax.

For the tiem being disconnect the netgear from the arris and see if you can log in then. After you reconfigur it, you can reconnect the two.

That arris device appears to be an all in one though router, wireless and cable modem, you can probably JUST use it. Login is likley admin and password.

im really confused? and also the ARRIS wireless doesn't work, I need to get access to my netgear box because I need to put a password on my wireless which is right now NETGEAR, the picture of the netgear login I posted was a random pic off the net.