sourgrapes01 :
The only good big budget games are Madden, Call of Duty, and all of the Playstation exclusives like Uncharted and God of War. The art and sets in those games are a generation of graphics ahead of anything on the PC.Occasionally, when the talent from the big budget games gets bored, sometimes they make fun little throwback games like this. You should take them for what they are worth and stop being an elitist gamer snob that gives the community a bad name.
Bwah ha ha, please tell me this is trolling because if your serious you have to be like I dunno 10-15 years old to actually believe something as completely and totally misinformed as that. For the last several years Madden games (and most Sports related games) haven't even had a PC Market therefore you have nothing really to compare them to and if they did have PC versions the hardware available far exceeds what Sony or Microsoft offers on their consoles. Call of contest, the PC versions have higher resolution textures, higher display resolutions and that's just the tip of the iceberg so moving on the the Playstation Exclusives that you mentioned along with others. These games pretty much push the limitations of the Playstations hardware and if there was a Proper Port made of these games to a PC then the developers as well as us players would be able to fully exploit the superior hardware to make these great looking (and playing) games even better. It really is the natural order of things a Lion will always kill and eat a Zebra not the other way around, and a PC will always run circles around a console as apposed to the other way around. And for the record before you respond with more misguided information I own 3 PC's with different configurations as well as a Wii, Xbox 360 and a Playstation 3 so this most assuredly is not fan-boyism.