Geforce 760 wont be recognized by computer/ motherboard problem?


Nov 23, 2013
I built this over the summer and it worked great up until recently. Two changes happened during that time: I got a second stick of ram and upgraded to windows 8.1 since then it started with stuttering graphics which got as bad as black screens(which needed hard resets) I quickly contacted nvidia and evga about the problem and ended up getting a replacement. Still the same problem elevated to the card not even showing up in a feature the bios has that gives me details of all the components.

this is my build:
Asrock z77m Extreme 4-m motherboard
Geforce GTX 760(EVGA model)
Intel i5 CPU(dont have the exact model but if necessary can get it)
two sticks of Corsair Vengeance 8 gig RAM
Seasonic PSU

hopefully someone had the same problem and fixed it without buying a new motherboard or something
ill move the gpu right now, im running the computer with the intel graphics at the moment. i dont know if i want to switch it out because the reason its in the slot that it is is because it covers a second slot and it would block my pci network card.
just finished trying it on one. thing is i did not hear a click when i connected it. could it have been chip creep and not connecting it securely afterwords that caused the problem? going to try it in the last slot now. be back in a bit, thanks for the help by the way
alright an update. the graphics card is shown as an unrecognized device in any slot i put it in, i tried my network card in each slot as well and in one of them it didnt work at all and in the other two it works. not sure what this meansm but would this point to a motherboard issue?