GeForce GTX 1060 Power Vs 1050

As I said earlier.... I'm 99% positive that your PSU has a 6+2 pin power connector since it's a 700W unit(doesn't matter if it's a power supply from a pre-built system). 1 molex to 6 pin will be enough.
All of the GTX 1060 versions require a 6 pin power connector... that's because its tdp is 120W and a GPU can draw 75W max from the slot, so that's why it needs to be powered separately.
The GTX 1050 only requires 75W of power, so you'll find some versions that don't need a 6 pin power connector and other OC variants that need it.

This GTX 1050 doesn't require a 6 pin power connector:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1050 2GB SC GAMING Video Card ($104.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $104.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-10-27 15:41 EDT-0400

my power supply is a generic 1, used in a build to order system. all i know is it is 700W. is it pretty certain it would have a male 6-pin power cable, or is that not necessarily always included?
I can't access the computer right now. I think I will get a 4=pin molex to 6-pin cable just to cover what is found in my system, as the person who will open the computer will need something working that day. Too late to order after getting in there.

Would I need 2 molex to get the power through the 6-pin, or is 1 molex enough?
