Christopher Shaffer :
... But 3GB vs 6GB - you'll never take advantage of that extra RAM unless you're running ridiculous resolutions.
And some games have issues using a lot of RAM aswell (I've read Skyrim used to be one such
title, but maybe they've patched the issue by now).
However, for those looking towards 2560 or 4K gaming, and/or multiple displays, 6GB cards make a lot
of sense. On the OCN Skyrim pics thread I noticed one poster had a 3970X with four Titans for his setup.
Alas, at 4K, the raw GPU power of the current top-end cards isn't sufficent for one GPU to drive a display
as high as 4K that well for most of the latest games - it needs at least two in SLI/CF for smooth motion.
Others will probably wait until monitors are available that can do 4K without tiling, and GPUs have advanced
to the point where one card can handle current games of the day at that res with decent detail