chiefpiggy :
The R9 295x2 beats the Titan in almost every benchmark, and it's almost half the price.. I know the Titan X is just one gpu but the numbers don't lie nvidia. And nvidia fanboys can just let the salt flow through your veins that a previous generation card(s) can beat their newest and most powerful card. Cant wait for the 3xx series to smash the nvidia 9xx series
There are TWO gpus on that card, and it's nowhere near $500 (cheapest shopping google is $689 at newegg). ROFL@your math. You also have to wait for MONTHS for a crossfire profile as toms noted, while chewing up 2x the watts. If you own these cards for a few years the TitanX pays for itself if you game a lot (which is why you buy these two I'd think).
IE, 4yrs of 6hrs per day (assuming many game a lot more on weekends, so this avg), x 12cents/kWh x 200watts (difference between the two cards used watts gaming)=$53 per year. So in 4yrs of usage you save $212 on your electric bill. No waiting for profiles, 12GB, Gsync, etc. Win win. If you pay more than 12c (and a ton of people do), it gets even better for NV. So if you use your card for a good 4-5yrs (gsync/12GB should allow this to be reality for many), you could call this card <$800 easily as it saves you yearly $53 or more. Some places are double my 12c/kWh, and there are at least 5 states in USA at 15c-18c (NY, CT, AK etc), but around the globe it gets worse in many cases. Now you're talking a $600 card or less after 4-5yrs...LOL. No profiles here pal
😉 Just play, smoothly. Note how 295x2 is all over the place. You have to consider the life of the card and TCO. Not price at day one.
Excellent engineering. It smokes the previous one, and adds 6GB on top etc at same power levels. That's good R&D. Gsync will make the card last longer as games amp up and this tech smooths things out allowing you to live in it longer. Also we're not even talking the amount of heat they put out which of course costs more to COOL that heat back down in your room. In AZ, I wouldn't like a 295x2 at 430w vs 230w TitanX. I can't stand my Radeon 5850 already! Personally I'll wait for 16/14nm I guess as I'm not getting much time to game now anyway (I can wait for massive drop in power/heat)

But the point is the same, for me I want to avoid heat. I guess 295x2 might be a bonus in AK if you are single and gaming to have fun AND be warm...LOL.
You're going to be waiting until July for AMD's response as they're having trouble selling current cards (NV stole 5% more market) and the channel is stuffed. Not sure you'll do much more than tie 980 anyway, and NV just drop the price at that time gaining AMD nothing for profits. Until then NV gets free reign to sell everything they can at great margins. That's good business, good management and is why the stock is rising.