The People enabled this; they spoke with their money. It doesn't have to be everyone, but enough.
2017's x80Ti for 700USD? That was very good.
The previous 2(Kepler and Maxwell 2.0) weren't far off in their price.
2018's for 1200(was 1000 VERY briefly)?
That thing should've been maybe 800-850 with the RT tax - inflation included. It should've set off a bunch of alarms, but The People said they were okay with it, and x80Ti would never be the same again...
2021's x80Ti, 1200 - for a short time, then the prices exploded. Once again, The People said they were okay with it.
2023 should see an x80Ti, but their x80 already took the 1200 spot... [it's not hard to look up what previous x80s were at]
Publishers are pushing for more subscription-based services; battle pass, season pass, etc. It costs more to maintain these services, but that is easily overshadowed if successful.
In game microtransactions evolved to macrotransactions... crap is screwed up, and will be for some time yet, but The People look to be okay with it still.
Anyway, you can't tell folks how to spend their money, so what do you do? Tie 'em up, break their fingers, and smash their PC when they're about to purchase one of these things?
Complaining, boycotts, and review bombing sure as hell doesn't work. "Only money" talks - and well? 4090s sold, 4080s will too, and so on. The trends can only continue, as The People are okay with it.